Detail produktu

CANet - Universal CAN-bus Sensor Network


Typ produktu

ověřená technologie


Universal CAN-bus Sensor network was developed to create large and fast sensor network. Important parameters for design of this sensor network were speed, large amount of sensors, easy integration of realized solution into different automation environments, support for different types of communication interfaces (especially for mostly used UART, SPI and I2C), and support for two basic levels of power supply for sensors. Due to this complex set of requirements realized sensor network supports most of currently used sensors. User can create huge sensor network with different types of sensors for sensing different physical values in different places, and with fast sensor response. In case of networking only one type of sensor or mutual compatible sensors realized solution can be faster by general broadcast calls to all connected sensors (i.e. broadcast call to all connected sensors can in one time can starts measurement and sensors sends back measured values according to their priority).

Klíčová slova

Sensor network, CAN bus, Universal sensor interface

Datum vzniku

27. 7. 2010


BD Sensors, s.r.o.

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