Detail produktu



Typ produktu



CamSafe is a system for monitoring & management of surveillance recordings. An archival system is designed to securely store digital surveillance recordings for a specified amount of time and to view them using standard Web browsers. It is designed for an IP based camera or a video encoding server to enable external storage capability. The camera uploads a sequence of images (or a video) to the CamSafe FTP server as a reaction to an event (clock, alarm, motion detected). Recordings there are fullfilled with an undeniable timestamp and they are asynchronously re-organized by CamSafe FTP monitor and CamSafe daemon, which makes it possible to view and store it for a defined amount of time using CamSafe WWW server. Administrators can set users' limitations and define the system behavior, look and language.

Klíčová slova

CamSafe, IP camera, surveillance, recordings, image, video, FTP, WWW

Datum vzniku

1. 3. 2011


Možnosti využití

K využití výsledku jiným subjektem je vždy nutné nabytí licence

Licenční poplatek

Poskytovatel licence na výsledek požaduje licenční poplatek
