Detail produktu

Software for Universal Measurement Board of Electronic Devices SUMBED


Typ produktu



The SUMBED application software was developed in universal programming software Labview. The application is powerful tool for many types of measurements of electrical and optical devices and it is fully automated. Software allows the user to define the settings for the commands for the instruments and measurement is easier and with high quality. The software also controls universal UMBED PCB board for measurement 6 samples. SUMBED enables setup the temperature range for the liquid nitrogen cryostat for the wide temperature range from 77K up to 300K. For some measurements the reports are generated. SUMBED software enables the user to: Start immediately with login screen for settings of all next futures of program Login into 6 types of measurement and 1 testing measurement Every measurement is for wide temperature range from 77K up to 300K With Universal PCB is able to measure for 6 samples Measure Volt-Amp Characteristics Measure constant Voltage vs. Time Measure Capacity vs. Voltage, Capacity vs. Frequency and measurement Capacity vs. Time (DLTS method) Produce a customizable Exel Reports as measurement report and Text files with data Produce graphs

Klíčová slova

SUMBED, Software, Universal, Measurement, Electronics, Capacitors, IV, CV, CT,Labview

Datum vzniku

13. 6. 2012


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