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Wavelength Control of VCSEL Laser Employed in the Absolute Laser Interferometer

Mikel, Břetislav - Číp, Ondřej - Lazar, Josef

Originální název

Wavelength Control of VCSEL Laser Employed in the Absolute Laser Interferometer


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

In the work, we present the absolute interferometer with a narrow-linewidth tunable VCSEL laser (Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser) working at   760 nm. As a detection technique, we use a fast wavelength-scanning interferometry improved by an amplitude division of the interference fringe with using two signals in quadrature. Used VCSEL laser is wide tunable with the mod-hop free tuning range more than 1.2 nm. We control the stabilization and tuning process of the laser wavelength with using the frequency lock to a Fabry-Perot glass plan-parallel etalon with high-fines. The optical set-up of the interferometer uses polarized beams and Michelson structure of the interferometer. We experimentally compared the developed absolute interferometer with a conventional – incremental Michelson interferometer based on a single frequency He-Ne laser that has the resolution 1.2 nm. We achieved the relative uncertainty below 10-4 order for a range of tested distances L  < 78; 118 > mm.

Klíčová slova

wavelength-scanning interferometry, absolute interferometry, tunable laser, scale linearity


Mikel, Břetislav - Číp, Ondřej - Lazar, Josef


1. 1. 2005

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  author="Břetislav {Mikel} and Ondřej {Číp} and Josef {Lazar}",
  title="Wavelength Control of VCSEL Laser Employed in the Absolute Laser Interferometer",
  booktitle="XXVIIIth general assembly of International Radio Science",