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Holographic microscope developed by team of prof. Radim Chmelík from the Department of physical engineering was awarded with Werner von Siemens Excellence Award in the category The most important result of research/innovation. With its scope and history Werner von Siemens Excellence Award belongs to the most important independent initiatives of that kind in the Czech Republic.
The unique microscope uses (instead of laser) illumination on the incoherent holography principle which enables to illuminate live cells with common light sources. When using laser the image of research sample can be distorted and unclear. „Ideal is the possibility to illuminate cells with classic bulb or LED diodes, and that is what we have managed to achieve“, describes the principle of holographic microscope prof. Chmelik.
Multimodal holographic microscope, on which the scientists from Ceitec BUT worked together with company TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING, a.s., got not only Czech, but also European and American patent.
Machine, which could get on the market in a few years, enables to observe live cells without having to use contrast colorings. Even these can change the character of the cell. Due to this the microscope can be used e.g. for cancer cure research.
Responsibility: Mgr. Kamila Šmídková