The rector presented decrees to the emeritus professors of BUT
During the Advent season, a ceremonial handover of decrees to emeritus professors took place at the Rectorate of the Brno University of Technology (BUT). The rector of BUT, Ladislav Janíček, took this opportunity to thank the emeritus professors for their lifelong contribution to the development of the university and conversed with them about their experiences and memories. With the indefinite-term decree, BUT expresses its respect to the emeritus professors and gratitude for their contribution to building the prestige and legacy of the university.
The updated decrees, in accordance with the new Statute of BUT, on the basis of which the honorary title of emeritus professor is awarded for an indefinite period, were handed over by the rector of the university during a ceremonial event in the Rectorate hall of BUT. The meeting, which took place on December 19, reminded of the crucial role of emeritus professors in building the legacy and prestige of Brno's technical university, which this year celebrates 125 years since its founding. VUT appreciates their work, which has helped the university become a significant institution not only in the Czech Republic but also internationally.
Rector of BUT, Ladislav Janíček, remarked on this significant event: “It is a great honor for us to express our recognition to those who, through their professional contributions, have made a lasting mark in the history of our university. Those who have been awarded the title of emeritus professor are not only acknowledged bearers of professional knowledge and experience but also role models for our academic and research staff as well as for students. We can turn to them with trust in their advice and support and benefit from their lifelong experience and wisdom. This act of handing over the decrees granting these individuals the status of emeritus professor for an indefinite period is a manifestation of our respect and also a confirmation that their place in the community of our university is inseparable and permanent. We are proud that these distinguished experts, many of whom still collaborate with us actively, help create prestige and build the legacy of our university both in the present and for the future.”
On this occasion, the emeritus professors were briefed on current issues the university is addressing, as well as the challenges it faces, including finding ways to strengthen interest in technical studies. He also informed them about two surveys focused on the expectations and preferences of primary and secondary school students. Furthermore, he emphasized that BUT is not only focused on fulfilling its core role in education but is also focused on broader profiling of knowledge. “We are a technical university, and we have much to be proud of. Today’s world is a technological age, and those who have technology, have wealth. An economy with higher added value based on knowledge and innovation can contribute to the future development of the economy, not only of the Czech Republic but also of all of Europe,” highlighted the technological focus of BUT rector.
The meeting highlighted the importance of returning to traditions that help develop culture and strengthen identification with the university, and reminded that personalities and role models are irreplaceable means for promoting technical education: “Individuals are key to the attractiveness of technical and natural sciences education. We honor our historical roots and wish to continue publishing works about the significant personalities of the university,” added the rector.
During the meeting, the rector expressed a wish for it to become a tradition. “I would like us to meet regularly, discuss current events at the university, and use the valuable experiences of emeritus professors for further development of our activities,” he stated. The university also plans to expand the support and access to the university's facilities for emeritus professors so they can use its resources and spaces as needed. We want emeritus professors to continue collaborating with BUT and contribute their experiences to the development of the areas they represent.
The indefinite-term decree was awarded to:
prof. Ing. Jiří Jan, CSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. Ing. Miroslav Kasal, CSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. Ing. Otakar Wilfert, CSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. Ing. Pavel Jura, CSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. RNDr. Ing. Josef Šikula, DrSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. RNDr. Jan Chvalina, DrSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. Ing. Tomáš Dostál, DrSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. Ing. Václav Říčný, CSc. from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies, BUT
prof. RNDr. Jiří Komrska, CSc. from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BUT
prof. Ing. František Kavička, CSc. from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BUT
prof. RNDr. Pavla Rovnaníková, CSc. from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT
prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Chobola, CSc. from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT
prof. Ing. arch. Jan Koutný, CSc. from the Faculty of Architecture, BUT
prof. Ing. arch. Mojmír Kyselka, CSc. from the Faculty of Architecture, BUT
Author | Mgr. Kamila Šmídková |
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