Rector's Office
The Rector's Office ensures in particular the preparation and implementation of decisions of the Rector and other BUT bodies and carries out the management of institutional information and related internal and external communications of the BUT, ensuring:- administrative support for the performance of the Rector's duties,
- conditions for the activities of the Rector and, where necessary, for the activities of other BUT bodies,
- conditions for the activities of the BUT Board of Trustees in accordance with the Statute of the BUT Board of Trustees,
- the activities of the Rector's College and other advisory bodies and working groups in accordance with the Statute of the BUT,
- the management of media relations and publicity of the BUT, communication with the media, including the preparation of press releases,
- media and other presentations of the BUT and providing media support for publicity of faculties and units,
- planning, preparing, coordinating and organising institutional visits, meetings and events
- at the level of the Rector, including coordination of participation and representation of the Rector and the BUT management at social events.
The Rector's Office also provides direct management of agendas:
- Security Director,
- Data Protection Officer,
- the support body of the Ministry of Justice for conflict of interest according to Act No. 159/2006 Coll,
- Information Systems Administrator (for supervision of the consistency and development of the BUT IS),
- Gender Equality Coordinator,
- spokesperson,
- coordinator of institutional events.
The Rector's Office has a designated press department which provides:
- management of media relations and publicity of the BUT, communication with the media including preparation of press releases, media and other presentations of the BUT and providing media support for publicity of faculties and units,
- production and management of the BUT magazine and electronic magazine,
- managing and coordinating communication on social media.
In the Rector's office, there is a defined department of strategy, which provides:
- Preparation and production of analyses and related documents to develop the BUT's strategy,
- supporting the BUT's strategic planning,
- preparation of the BUT's strategic plan and its annual implementation plans,
- monitoring the implementation of the BUT's strategic objectives,
- preparation of annual evaluation interviews with the components of the BUT,
- preparation of internal and external analyses aimed at supporting the decision-making of the BUT management,
- preparing, designing and evaluating surveys and questionnaires among relevant target groups,
- monitoring and evaluating international university rankings,
- coordinating relevant development and subsidy programmes of the Ministry of Education (institutional programme, centralised development programmes, programme to support the strategic management of universities etc.),
- preparation and processing of the annual activity report and the quality assessment report, including its the preparation and submission of the appendices,
- support for the BUT's procedural management and central supervision of the University's organisational structure,
- preparation of assignments for the modification of the BUT's information system to support analytical activities, coordinating activities with the developers and administrators of the BUT's information systems (with a focus on data outputs)
Department of Strategy
Press department
Responsibility: Mgr. Kamil Gregorek, MBA