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The product must be disinfected before further use; the individual steps and alternatives are described below.
Ethanol or isopropyl alcohol are also applicable, at concentrations from 70% to 90%.
The disinfection of half masks has been systematically discussed on the PrusaPrinters company’s website, https://help.prusa3d.com/cs/article/dezinfekce-prusa-oblicejovy-stit_125458.
Due to the porosity of a 3D-printed component, the real disinfection time should be longer than that recommended in the literature for nonporous materials.
When handling the disinfectant, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you immerse the half mask components, leave them in the (lukewarm) solution for at least 5 minutes, though the ideal process takes 15 mins. To ensure reliable disinfection, clean any dirt from the mask before using the agent.
The filter holder is to be disinfected by being immersed in a convenient solution (Savo Originál diluted at 1:6; ethanol; or isopropyl alcohol); the suitability of a disinfectant depends on the concrete printing material.
The glove has to be either treated with a disinfecting solution or replaced with a new one.
Responsibility: doc. Ing. Václav Kaczmarczyk, Ph.D.