prof. RNDr.

Alexandr Meduna


FIT, DIFS – Professor

+420 54114 1232

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prof. RNDr. Alexandr Meduna, CSc.


Consulting hours

By appointment by

Guaranteed courses

VYPaCompiler Construction (in English)
English, winter, FIT, DIFS
IFJFormal Languages and Compilers
Czech, winter, FIT, DIFS
IFJeFormal Languages and Compilers (in English)
English, winter, FIT, DIFS
GALGraph Algorithms
Czech, winter, FIT, DIFS
GALeGraph Algorithms (in English)
English, winter, FIT, DIFS
RGDRegulated Grammars and Automata
Czech, winter, FIT, DIFS

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

VYPaCompiler Construction (in English)
Lecture, English, winter, FIT, DIFS
IFJFormal Languages and Compilers
Lecture, Czech, winter, FIT, DIFS
IFJeFormal Languages and Compilers (in English)
Lecture, English, winter, FIT, DIFS
RGDRegulated Grammars and Automata
Guided consultation in combined form of studies, Lecture, Project, Czech, winter, FIT, DIFS

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025