doc. Ing.
Daniel Koutný
FME, IMID DREAT – Head of sub-department
+420 54114 3356
Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 2002, MSc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Applied mechanics
- 2008, PhD, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Design and Process Engineering.
- 2016, Associate Professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Design and Process Engineering.
Career overview
- 2005 - 2008, lecturer, Institute of Machine Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2008 - 2016, assistant professor, Institute of Machine Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2011 - 2014, NETME centre Division of Virtual Modeling, Design and Testing - Head of section Design and Development
- since 2016, associate professor, Institute of Machine Design, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Pedagogic activities
- teached subjects: Fundamentals of Design I and II, CATIA, Pro/Engineer, Team Project, Design Project,Engineering Project, Polymer Prototypes, Additive Technologies
Scientific activities
- Experimental study of lubrication between conformal and non-conformal surfaces, traction measurement, behaviour of water contaminated lubricant.
Industry cooperation
- Honeywell
- LK Engineering
- Continental
- ING Corporation
- Bosch Rexroth
- GE Aviation
Research and Development:
- GACR 15-23274S (2015-2017) Design of advanced materials using selective laser melting, co-investigator.
- TAČR TH02010514 (2017-2019) Development of 3D printing for selected materials and topology optimization of components for aerospace industry, co-investigator.
- MPO FV10411 (2016-2018) Research and development of electric drive of mini-excavator up to 2 tons, co-investigator.
- ESA Contract (2014-2015) Design of spacecraft components for additive manufacturing (no.4000109548/13/NL/MV), investigator (subcontractor).
- EUREKA LF12029 (2012-2014) Regenerative hydrostatic module for commercial vehicles, co-investigator.
- MPO FR-TI3/388 (2011-2013) The application of digital technologies for the design, manufacture and evaluation of custom orthotic and prosthetic devices, co-investigator.
- MPO FR-TI3/699 (2011-2012) Disc filters for wastewater treatment plants, co-investigator.
- FRVŠ 1489/2013 Innovation of Reverse Engineering and optical digitizing, investigator.
- FRVŠ 2621/2011 Course innovation using project oriented education with a practical output,co-investigator.
- FRVŠ 765/2010 Student workplace for model creation and finalization of design projects, co-investigator.
- FRVŠ 206/2009 Student workshop for the production of plastic prototypes, co-investigator.
- ESF CZ 04.1.03/ - Innovation of Mechanical Engineering Study Programmes in the Context of information Society
- ESF CZ.04.1.03/ - Training of tutors, consultants and teachers of further professional education in the area of digital design.
Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS