doc. Ing.

František Urban


FEEC, UMEL – Associate professor

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doc. Ing. František Urban, CSc.


Guaranteed courses

MPA-IOPIntegrated Optoelectronics
English, summer, FEEC, UMEL
MPC-IOPIntegrated Optoelectronics
Czech, winter, FEEC, UMEL
BPC-OOKOptoelectronics and Optical Communications
Czech, summer, FEEC, UMEL

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

MPC-IOPIntegrated Optoelectronics
Lecture, Czech, winter, FEEC, UMEL
BPC-OOKOptoelectronics and Optical Communications
Lecture, Czech, summer, FEEC, UMEL

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025