JUDr. Ing.

Jan Kopřiva


FBM, ÚF – Assistant professor

+420 54114 2620

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JUDr. Ing. Jan Kopřiva, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Wednesday, 08:30-09:00

Wednesday, 10:30-11:00

Guaranteed courses

UopPCorporate Law
Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
meopKInternational Business Law
Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
meopPInternational Business Law
Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
BLENELaw in Entrepreneurship
English, summer, FBM, ÚF
oprPPersonal, Business and Industrial Law
Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
UzpPPrinciples of Law
Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
FposKTransformations of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives
Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF
FposPTransformations of Commercial Companies and Cooperatives
Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF
PRPPrávní prostředí ČR a EU
Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

UopPCorporate Law
, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
meopKInternational Business Law
, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
meopPInternational Business Law
, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
oprPPersonal, Business and Industrial Law
, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025