doc. Ing.

Jan Roupec



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doc. Ing. Jan Roupec, Ph.D.

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 1983, Ing., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno UT, branch Automation Control Systems
  • 2001, Ph.D., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno UT, branch Technical Cybernetics

Career overview

  • 1983-1985, system programmer, ORGREZ k.ú.o. Brno,
  • 1986-1988, research worker, department of forming FME Brno UT,
  • 1989-1991, senior specialist, Unified Computational Workplace, FME Brno UT,
  • 1991-1994, assistant professor, Dept. of Computer Science, FME Brno UT,
  • 1991-to date, owner of a software company,
  • 1994-to date, assistant professor, Institute of automation and Computer Science, FME Brno UT.

Pedagogic activities

  • Lectures and consultations in stochastic optimization methods at Molde University College (in years 2008 and 2009, project S/E).
  • Introduction of new courses on FME Brno UT - Computer Networks, Object Oriented Programming in C++ Language, Assembly Language Programming,
  • Cooperation in introduction of new courses on FME Brno UT - Computer Science I, Computer Science II, C-Language Programming, C and C++ Programming Languages.

Scientific activities

  • heuristic optimization methods
  • evolutionary algorithms
  • fuzzy control
  • object-based control software for real-time systems
  • 1995 - 2005: member of Organization Committem of the international conference Mendel 1995 - Mendel 2005
  • 1999 - to date, member of internation programme committee of the international Conferences Mendel 1999 - Mendel 2010

University activities

  • 1996 - 2010: head of Department of Computer Networks, Intitute of Automation and Computer Science, FME Brno UT
  • 1996 - to date: meber of the Academic Senate of FME Brno UT,
  • 2001 - to date: member of the Information Systems Council of FME Brno UT,
  • 2005 - 2008: chairman of the Academic Senate of FME Brno UT,
  • 2005 - 2014: meber of the Academic Senate of Brno UT,
  • 2006 - 2008: member of the Information Systems Council of Brno UT,
  • 2010 - to date: director of Institute of Automation and Computer Science, FME Brno UT

Industry cooperation

  • 1991 - 1993: PC-DIS - the intelligent terminla for EKOS system, software, developped for ČEZ)
  • 2000, 2001: Terminal Server for TEK2000 (software, technological processes visualization, developped for Techsys Ltd.)

Prizing by scientific community

  • 2000 Price for the Best Paper of the Euro-International Symposium on Computational Intelligence
  • 2007: Certificate of Merit for The International Conference on Soft Computing and Applications (ICSCA 2007, Berkeley, USA)
  • 2013: Certificate of Merit for The International Conference on Soft Computing and Applications (ICSCA 2013, Berkeley, USA)


    • 1992: faculty grant no. 212: Elevators operation simulation, principal investigator,
    • 1996-7: INFRA IF96030 – Development of the Campus Computer Network of Brno UT in the Locality Technická a Its Upgrade to the New Technology, principal investigator,
    • 1998 - 2004: Nontraditional methods of complex and uncertain systems study. Research plan CEZ J22/98: 26110000
    • 1998 - 2004: Automation of Technologies and Production Processes. Research plan CEZ: J22/98: 260000013.
    • 2009: Sharing the experience in modelling and decision making regarding environmental risks in transporation planning, Norway – EEA Grants NVF, co-investigator.
    • 2010: Advanced decision making models and heuristic algorithms for environmental risks in transportation planning, Norway – EEA Grants NVF, co-investigator.
    • 2011: VVZ MSM 0021630529, Inteligent systems in automation, co-investigator.
    • 2011: The deployment of the IPv6 protocol for services of end users at FME BUT, Project of the Development Fund of CESNET no. 414/2011, co-investigator.
    • 2011-12: Introduction of Problem Based Learning to Mechanical Engineering Curricula, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0406, co-investigator.

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS


Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge