doc. Ing.
Jaroslava Orságová
FEEC, UEEN – Associate professor
+420 54114 6224
Consulting hours
Thursday, 13:00-14:00, T12/SA 7.06 (Technická 12, Brno 61600)
Guaranteed programmes
MPA-EAK | Power Systems and Communication Technology full-time study, English, Ing., 2 years, FEEC, |
MPC-EAK | Power Systems and Communication Technology full-time study, Czech, Ing., 2 years, FEEC, |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Guaranteed courses
BPC-RZB | Distribution Equipment Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-RZB | Distribution Equipment Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MKC-ELE | Power Plant Electrical Equipment Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPA-ELE | Power Plant Electrical Equipment English, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-ELE | Power Plant Electrical Equipment Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPA-MPN | Semestral Project English, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-MPN | Semestral Thesis Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MKC-MPN | Semestral Thesis Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-ESV | Substations and Lines Czech, summer, FEEC, UEEN |
MKC-ESV | Substations and Lines Czech, summer, FEEC, UEEN |
MPA-ESV | Substations and Lines English, summer, FEEC, UEEN |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Lectured courses
BPC-RZB | Distribution Equipment Lecture, Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-RZB | Distribution Equipment Lecture, Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPA-ELE | Power Plant Electrical Equipment Lecture, English, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-ELE | Power Plant Electrical Equipment Lecture, Project, Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPA-MPN | Semestral Project Project, English, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-MPN | Semestral Thesis Guided consultation, Czech, winter, FEEC, UEEN |
MPC-ESV | Substations and Lines Fundamentals seminar, Lecture, Czech, summer, FEEC, UEEN |
MPA-ESV | Substations and Lines Fundamentals seminar, Laboratory exercise, Lecture, Project, English, summer, FEEC, UEEN |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025