Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 2018 Professor (Prof.) in Civil Engineering
- 2005 Associate professor (Assoc. Prof.) in Theory and design of buildings, Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT Brno, Czech Republic, Habilitation work: Demand and consumption of energy in buildings
- 2001 Doctoral degree (CSc.), study program Theory and design of buildings, Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT Brno, Czech Republic, Dissertation work: Energetic assessment of buildings
- 1976 - 1981 Master degree (MSc.), study program Civil engineering, Specialization Building Services, Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT Brno, Czech Republic Master’s thesis: Sanitary engineering systems in the building for education
Career overview
- 2018-2022 Vice-Rector for International Relations BUT
- 2018-2022 Member of the Scientific Board of BUT
- 2011-2019 Senior researcher, Research group EGAR (WP2) Centre AdMaS - Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies, BUT Brno, Czech Republic, Research on Smart Regions
- 2014-2018 Chairman of the Board of doctoral study program 3608V001 Civil Engineering, BUT Brno, Czech Republic
- 2008-2020 Member of the Board for Doctoral study at CTU in Prague - Field of study: Environmental Engineering
- 2006-2010 Vice Dean for strategic development, internal relations
- 2010-2014 Vice Dean for External Relations and Marketing
- 2006-2026 Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT Brno
- 2022-2026 Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
- 2000-2024 Head of Building Services Institute (BSI), Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT Brno, Czech Republic, Research HVAC / development of BS systems
- 2018-still Academic staff – full professor at the Institute of Building Services
- 2005-2018 Academic staff – associate professor at the Institute of Building Services
- 1991-2005 Academic staff – senior lecturer at the Institute of Building Services
- 1981-1991 Academic staff – asistent at the Institute of Building Services
Pedagogic activities
- 1981 – until now Selected parts of Environmental Engineering, Theory of HVAC systems, Air Conditioning, Heating, Assessment of energy of buildings FCE BUT - exercises and lectures, laboratories, supervising the bachelor, master and dissertation theses.
Scientific activities
- Forming device - co-author of the European patent No. EP 2719477 B1 and the Czech patent No. 305938. Forming device for performing deforming tubes of heat exchangers. Date of registration: 30.03.2016 Industrial Property Office (Patent Office of the Czech Republic), 23.09.2020 European Patent Office (Munich)
- Modeling and simulation of energy behavior of buildings and energy systems in buildings. Energy rating.
- Information modeling of smart regions with a focus on energy.
Academic internships abroad
- Danish Technical University - Lyngby, Denmark (2001, 2008)
- Silesian University of Technology - Gliwice, Poland (2007)
- CENERGIA - Energy Consultants - Copenhagen, Debmark (2009, 2013)
- SBi - Danish Building Research Institute of Aalborg University - Horsholm, Denmark (2010)
- TU Graz, Austria, (2013)
- NIRAS Group ENSI - Energy Saving International AS - Oslo, Norway(2016)
Study and proffesional stay and workshops:
- Power plant 4x64 MW TPP, expert for cooling, Iranshahr - Iran (1995)
- ENSI – Energy Saving International AS - Oslo, Norway (1994, 1996, 2002, 2003)
- Oslo Energy Efficiency and Clear Production Summit 2005, Norway Energy Efficiency Group, Oslo (2005)
IEA ECBCS Annex 50 - Prefabricated Systems for Low Energy Renovation of Residential Buildings, workshops: Grenoble - France (4/2009), Haarlem - Belgium (10/2009)
IEA ECBCS Annex 56 - Cost-Effective Energy & CO2 Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation, workshops:Venice - Itálie 4/2012, Oslo - Norway 9/2012, Copenhagen - Denmark 4/2013, Graz - Austria 9/2013
University activities
- Head of Building Services Institute, FCE BUT (since 2000 - present)
- Vice-Rector for International Relations BUT (2018-2022)
- Vice-Dean for Strategic Development, FCE BUT (2006-2010)
- Vice-Dean for External Relations and Marketing, FCE BUT (2010-2014)
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT (2006-2010, 2010-2014, 2014-2018, 2018-2022)
- Member of the Scientific Board of BUT (2018-2022)
- Member of the Academic Senate of FCE BUT (2014 - 2017, 2017 - 2018)
- Member of Doctoral Degree Program Board 3608V001 Building Constructions at FCE (2006 - 2014, 2018-2022)
- Chairman of the Doctoral Study Program Board 3608V001 Building Construction at FCE (2014-2018)
- Member of the Permanent Commission for the Defense of Dissertations at FCE (2006 - 2014)
- Chairman of the Permanent Commission for the Defense of Doctoral Theses 3608V001 Building Construction at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (2014-2018)
- Member of management, implementation and preparation team for FCE BUT Regional R&D Center - AdMaS No. CZ.1.05 / 2.1.00 / 03.0097 (2011 - 2014)
- Senior researcher, EGAR Group AdMaS Center - Advanced Materials, Construction and Technology (2011-2019)
Non-University activities
- Member of the branch council for doctoral studies at FS ČVUT in Prague - branch: Environmental Engineering (since 2008)
- Member of IBPSA - CZ (The International Building Performance Simulation Association - Czech Republic)
- Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal TOPENÁŘSTVÍ INSTALACE - ISSN 1211-0906 included in the List of peer-reviewed non-impact periodicals published in the Czech Republic (since 2008)
- Member of the Board of the Society for Environmental Engineering and Chairman of the Brno STP Territorial Center (since 1991)
- Member of REHVA Education Committee
- Authorized engineer ČKAIT - Field and specialization: Building environment technology - technical equipment (since 1999)
- Member of the ČKAIT examination commission - Energy auditing (since 2004)
- Energy specialist - holder of certificate No. 0657 issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade pursuant to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. (since 2009)
- Member of the evaluation committee for the Gold Medals of the International Fair IBF - Construction Fairs Brno - (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018))
- Chairman of the evaluation committee of the international competition Building Efficiency Awards - BEFFA 2013, 2014
- Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the EFEKT project at the Ministry of Industry and Trade (2015, 2016)
- Member of the SEI CR commission for testing energy specialists according to Act 406/2000. (since 2015)
- Authorized representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic for continuous education of energy specialists at Brno University of Technology according to Decree No. 118/2013 Coll. (2014-2016, 2017-2019)
- Ambassador of the Brno urban ecosystem for the area of Science Brno - Brno Science Partners (BSP), (04/2017 - 04/2018, 04/2018 - 04/2019))
- Domain Specialist for Energy, JINAG South Moravian Agency for Public Innovation (02/2023)
Prizing by scientific community
- 2006 - Dr. Jaromir Cihelka award for the most valuable literary work focused on Building services in 2006: Building thermal technology and energy of buildings - member the collective of authors (Czech Republic)
- 2011 - Plaque prof. Chrobák. Awards by the dean FCE STU in Bratislava for long-term cooperation and contribution to the development of technical equipment and environmental engineering of buildings (Slovak Republic)
- 2012 - Memorial medals of the Dean Faculty of Civil Engineering, TU Košice to celebrate the 35th anniversary of its founding. (Slovak Republic)
- 2016 - REHVA Professional Award - - in recognition of his outstanding academic achievements and for his contribution to improve energy efficiency and the indoor environment of buildings (REHVA General Assembly, Aalborg, Denmark)
- 2017 - Annual heating price 2017 in the field of heating - awards by the Guild of heating specialists and plumbers of the Czech Republic, authorized community, for research activities within the AdMaS Center at Faculty of Civil Engineering Brno University of Technlogy focused on co-operation with industry, project organizations and interest groups in information models of settlements for their sustainable management.
2017 - Silver medal SIGNUM EXCELLENTIAE of the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology - 2018 - Silver Plaque of STP - Society of Environmental Engineering for Significant Contribution to Environmental Engineering and Building Services on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of an Independent Czech Republic
- 2018 - Plaque for the development of cooperation between ČSVTS and ZSVTS members. Laureate of the 15th Annual Award, nominated for the Czech Republic.
- 2018 - Golden Plaque of SSTP - Slovak Society for Environmental Engineering for contribution in the field of building environment technology on the occasion of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia.
Active participation in domestic and international associations and organisations
- Member of the Board of the Society for Environmental Engineering and Chairman of the Brno STP Territorial Center (since 1991)
- Member ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) MBR# 8376283 (od 2019)