prof. RNDr.

Jiří Komrska


FME, IPE – Professor Emeritus

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prof. RNDr. Jiří Komrska, CSc.

Curriculum vitae

Education and academic qualification

  • 1959, physicist, Faculty of Natural Science, MU in Brno,
  • 1965, CSc., Faculty of Natural Science, UJEP in Brno, optics and spectrocopy,
  • 1966, RNDr., Faculty of Natural Science, UJEP in Brno,
  • 1991, assistent professor, Faculty of Natural Science, MU in Brno, physics of condensed materials and acoustics,
  • 1993, professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Brno, physics.

Career overview

  • 1959-1961, engineer, Factory and Research Institute for Powder Metallurgy at Šumperk,
  • 1961-1965, scientific co-worker, Institute of Metallurgy, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno,
  • 1965-1991, scientific co-worker, Institute of Scientific Instruments, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno,
  • 1991-1993, assistent professor, Institue of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Brno,
  • 1993-up to the present time, professor, Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering, Technical University in Brno.

Pedagogic activities

  • Applied Optics (TAO)

  • Fourier Methods in Optics and in Structure Analysis (TFM, TFM-A)

  • Fourier Optics (TFO)

  • Mathematics of Wave Optics (9MAV)

  • The Fourier Transform of Lattices and the Kinematical Theory of Difraction (9KTD)

Scientific activities

  • Diffraction of X-rays by crystals.
  • Diffraction and interference of electrons.
  • Non-conventional methods of transmission electron microscopy.
  • Scalar theory of diffraction.
  • Fourier methods in diffraction theory and in structure analysis.
  • History of physics.

Academic internships abroad

  • 1968, 1993, University of Aston in Birmingham, 4 months.
  • 1976-1992, International Centre of Electron Microscopy at the MPI of Microstructure Physics, Halle/Saale, 8 months.
  • 1988, 1989, Technische Universität Clausthal, 2 months.
  • 1991-1996, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin, 5 months.
  • 1994, University of Swansea, 2 weeks.

University activities

  • 1990-1998, member of the Acreditation Commission of the Government of Czech Republic.
  • 1990-1998, member of the Subcommission for physics of the Acreditation Commission.
  • 1990-2000, member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno.
  • 1991-1994, member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Philosophy and Science, Silesian University in Opava.
  • 1992-up to the present time, member of councils for the PhD studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Brno and at the Faculty of Natural Science, Masaryk University in Brno.
  • 1994-up to the present time, member of the Council of the Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University in Brno.
  • 1996-2009, head of the Department of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Institute of Physical Engineering, FME TU in Brno.
  • 2003-2010, member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU in Brno.

Non-University activities

  • 1968-1971, member of the Editorial Board of the Československý časopis pro fysiku.
  • 1975-1995, associate editor of the Československý časopis pro fysiku.
  • 1990-1992, member of the Collegium for Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
  • 1992-1995, member of the Čs. committee for optics.
  • 1992-1999, member of the Editorial Board of the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics.
  • 1993-1996, member of the Commission for Science of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.
  • 1993-1996, member of the Subcommission for Physics of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.
  • 1995-2003, member of the Committee for awarding prices of Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports of Czech Republic for research.
  • 1996-1999, member of the Advisory Board of the International Centre of Electron Microscopy and Materials Sciences, Max-Planck Institut für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle/Saale.
  • 1999-2003, member of the Advisory Board of the journal Crystal Research and Technology.

Prizing by scientific community

  • 1975, Tenth International Congress of Crystallography, Amsterdam: Diploma appreciating a series of diffraction patterns at the exposition Visual Aspect of Crystallography. 
  • 1982, Czech Literary Fund: Premium for the paper Korpuskulární optika jako východisko při výuce kvantové mechaniky. 
  • 1984, Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists: honarable acknowledgement for the devoted work for the Union.
  • 1990, Physical Science Section of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists: Diploma and Medal of the II. degree.
  • 1999, Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of Czech Republic: Medal of the I. degree for the long-time activity in Acreditation Commission of the Goverment of Czech Republic. 
  • 2000, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Brno: Medal for the work in science and research.


  • The Huygens-Fresnel Principle and its position in physics and in physics education. FRVŠ F4 1110/1999.
  • The stright-line alignment by means of the Fresnel diffraction. FRVŠ G 1111/1999.
  • The Fourier methods in the theory of diffraction and in the structure analysis. FRVŠ F4 1577/2000.

Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS


Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge


Sum of other citations (without self-citations)