
Jiří Smilek


FCH, ÚFSCH – Assistant professor

+420 54114 9483, +420 54114 9375, +420 54114 9402

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Ing. Jiří Smilek, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Tuesday, 10:00-11:00, E336 (3136) (Purkyňova 464/118, Brno 61200)

Chemická informatika

Thursday, 14:00-15:00, E336 (3136) (Purkyňova 464/118, Brno 61200)

Fyzikální chemie + Praktikum z fyzikální chemie

Guaranteed courses

BC_ZACHFundamentals of Applied Chemistry
Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
DCO_ZVOPCHPOFundamentals of Scientific and Professional Work in Chemistry and Related Fields
Czech, both, FCH
MC_PBMLaboratory Classes of Biophysical Methods
Czech, summer, FCH, ÚFSCH

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

MC_BFCHBiophysical Chemistry
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
BC_ZACHFundamentals of Applied Chemistry
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
DCO_ZVOPCHPOFundamentals of Scientific and Professional Work in Chemistry and Related Fields
, Czech, both, FCH
MC_IAMAInstrumental Analysis for Medical Application
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
MC_IA1_PLaboratory Classes in Instrumental Analysis - S1
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
BC_FCH1_PLaboratory Classes in Physical Chemistry I
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
MC_MIAMethods of Instrumental Analysis
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH
BC_FCH1Physical Chemistry I
, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚFSCH

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025