doc. RNDr.

Jitka Dluhá


FEEC, UREL – Associate professor

+420 54114 6598

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doc. RNDr. Jitka Dluhá, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Konzultace po předchozí domluvě osobně nebo online (MS Teams)

Consultation by prior arrangement in person or online (MS Teams)

T12/SE 6.128 (Technická 12, Brno 61600)

Guaranteed courses

MPC-ARSAnalysis of Radiocommunication Signals
Czech, winter, FEEC, UREL
MPA-SKTMobile Communication Seminar
English, summer, FEEC, UREL
MPA-ARSRadiocommunication Signals
English, winter, FEEC, UREL
MPA-SLMSelected Lectures on Mathematics
English, summer, FEEC, UREL
MPA-SDESignal Detection and Estimation Theory
English, winter, FEEC, UREL
XPC-WBSWell-being seminar
Czech, summer, FEEC, UREL

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

MPC-ARSAnalysis of Radiocommunication Signals
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, Czech, winter, FEEC, UREL
MPA-ARSRadiocommunication Signals
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, English, winter, FEEC, UREL
MPA-SLMSelected Lectures on Mathematics
Computer-assisted exercise, Lecture, English, summer, FEEC, UREL
MPA-SDESignal Detection and Estimation Theory
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, English, winter, FEEC, UREL
BPA-SASSignals and Systems
Exercise in computer lab, Lecture, English, winter, FEEC, UAMT
XPC-WBSWell-being seminar
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FEEC, UREL

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025