prof. Ing.
Jozef Kaiser
CEITEC, RG-1-06 – Head
+420 54114 9700
Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 1997, Ing., (MSc.) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2001, Ph.D., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2005, doc., (associate professor) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Applied Physics
- 2013, prof., (full professor) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering BUT, Applied Physics
Career overview
- 2001–2004, researcher, Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2005, senior lecturer, Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2005 – 2013, associate professor, Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2011 - , the head of the research group for X-ray micro and nanotomography, CEITEC - Central European Institute of Technology, BUT
- 2013 – , Professor, Institute of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Pedagogic activities
- BSc study programme: seminars in Physics I (2F) and Physics II (3F).
- MSc study programme: seminars in Physics of Metrology (XMF), Physical Principles of Engineering Experiment(XFZ),Photonics(RFO). Lectures: Principles of Optics (TZO).
- Courses "Geometric optics" in bachelor study program Health care specialization, study field Optics and Optometrics, MedicFaculty of Medicine of Masaryk university
- Supervision of MSc and PhD thesis.
Scientific activities
- laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy-LIBS, laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy - LIFS, X-ray radiography and microtomography,capillary discharges, plasma generation and study, soft X-ray lasers, theoretical models of discharges.
Non-University activities
- 2010 - 2015, member of the Main Committee of Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society
- 2010 -,2015 chairman of the Nomenclature Committee of Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society
- member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Spectroscopy
- 2011 - 2015, member of the evaluation panel 108 (Material sciences and engineering) of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Industry cooperation
- 2010, Innovation voucher of JMK, with I.K.V. s.r.o. company
- 2012 - 2014 grant TA02011272 of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR) solved in cooperation with TESCAN a.s. company for the development of the LIBS interaction chamber
Prizing by scientific community
- International Engineering Fair MSV 2014, rLIBS (mobile laboratory specialized on the fast in-situ determination of a sample`s chemical composition), awarded by gold medal – head of the realization team.
- 2008, TOP 10 BUT, 2nd place in the category \"Publications\"
International projects
- Grant d’EGIDE – Centre Francais Pour L’Accueil et les Exchanges Internationaux, GREMI Orleans, 2003.
- Grant CEI – Central European Initiative (Trieste, Italy), 2005.
- Grant ICTP –The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (Trieste, Italy), 2006.
- Synchrotron Elettra, Triest, Italy:
- KAISER, J. et al.: X-ray imaging of heavy metal hyperaccumulation in vegetal tissues by microradiography – no. 2002456, 2003.
- KAISER, J. et al.: X-ray imaging of heavy metal hyperaccumulation in vegetal tissues by microradiography – no. 2003458, 2004.
- KAISER, J. et al.: Experimental investigation of a novel approach in phase-contrast computed microtomography – no. 2005733, 2006.
- KAISER, J. et al.: Experimental investigation of a novel approach in phase-contrast computed microtomography using mixed phase-amplitude phantom – no. 2006421, 2006.
- KAISER, J. et al.: X-ray micro-CT investigation of the root canal preparation techniques for postendodontic treatment – no. 2006678, 2007.
- Kaiser, J. et al.:Phase contrast dual-energy hard X-ray microradiography of recent and subrecent fish scales - no. 20085226, 2008.
- Kaiser, J. et al.: X-ray microradiography and microtomography measurements of biominerals. - no. 2008305, 2008.
- Kaiser, J. et al.: Comparative study of chicken and mouse embryonic heads structure using lab-based and synchrotron radiation based X-ray micro computed tomography. - no. 20140127, 2014.
Bilateral Projects
- MŠMT COST OC09013 - Development and application of capillary-discharge based short wavelegthn radiation sources, (2009 - 2011).
- MŠMT KONTAKT M09015 - Utilization of the Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIBS) for spectrochemical analysis of plant samples with high spatial resolution, (2009 - 2012).
- MŠMT KONTAKT ME10061 - Development of calibration-free quantitative laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), (2010 - 2012) .
Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within SCOPUS