doc. Ing. Mgr.
Karel Brychta
FBM, ÚF – Associate professor
+420 54114 3703
Consulting hours
Wednesday, 07:30-09:30
V době zkouškového období po předchozí domluvě e-mailem.
During the exam period based upon prior arrangement of the meeting by e-mail.
Guaranteed programmes
BAK-UAD | Accounting and Taxes full-time study, Czech, Bc., 3 years, FBM, |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Guaranteed courses
BATE | Accounting and Taxes English, winter, FBM, ÚF |
UpdsP | Diploma Project Seminar Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
UdsP | Diploma Seminar Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF |
FmdsP | International Tax Systems Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
FmdsK | International Tax Systems Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
FitiP | International Taxation of Incomes English, summer, FBM, ÚF |
UmzpP | International Taxation of Incomes Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF |
FitiK | International Taxation of Incomes English, summer, FBM, ÚF |
UzfoP | Personal income tax Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
FpdpP | Practicum in Tax Law Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
HDS-K | Tax System Czech, summer, FME, IMT |
HDS | Tax System Czech, summer, FME, IMT |
KdasP | Tax System Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF |
ESDAN | The Taxation System of Czech republic Czech, summer, IFE |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Lectured courses
BATE | Accounting and Taxes Exercise, Lecture, English, winter, FBM, ÚF |
FmdsK | International Tax Systems Guided consultation in combined form of studies, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
FmdsP | International Tax Systems Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
FitiK | International Taxation of Incomes Guided consultation in combined form of studies, English, summer, FBM, ÚF |
FitiP | International Taxation of Incomes Lecture, English, summer, FBM, ÚF |
FpdpP | Practicum in Tax Law Exercise, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025