doc. Ing.
Lukáš Burget
FIT, DCGM – Associate professor
+420 54114 1269
Consulting hours
To arrange a consultation, please contact me by e-mail.
Guaranteed courses
SUI | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Czech, winter, FIT, DCGM |
BAYa | Bayesian Models for Machine Learning (in English) English, winter, FIT, DCGM |
KRD | Classification and recognition Czech, summer, FIT, DCGM |
SUR | Machine Learning and Recognition Czech, summer, FIT, DCGM |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Lectured courses
SUI | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lecture, Seminar, Czech, winter, FIT, DCGM |
BAYa | Bayesian Models for Machine Learning (in English) Lecture, Seminar, English, winter, FIT, DCGM |
SUR | Machine Learning and Recognition Lecture, Project, Seminar, Czech, summer, FIT, DCGM |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025