doc. Ing.

Lumír Miča


FCE, GTN – Head of Department

+420 54114 7234

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doc. Ing. Lumír Miča, Ph.D.


Guaranteed courses

NFA015Earth Structures
Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
BFA003Foundation Engineering (S)
Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
NFB018Geotechnical Laboratory
Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
BFA013Load-Bearing Structures 2
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
DF61Soil and Structure Interaction
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
DFB022Soil and Structure Interaction
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
BFA002Soil Mechanics
Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
BFA002Soil Mechanics
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
NFB016Special Foundation Methods (KON)
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
NFB013Special Foundation Methods (S)
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
NFB022-ASustainable Rehabilitation of the Built Environment
English, summer, FCE, GTN
NFB022Sustainable Rehabilitation of the Built Environment
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
CZV-ZSTZakládání staveb
Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
4VMZVybrané statě z mechaniky zemin a zakládání staveb
Czech, both, IFE, GTN

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

BFA012Basic of Geotechnics
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
NFA015Earth Structures
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
BFA005Foundation Engineering (K)
Exercise, Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
NFB018Geotechnical Laboratory
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
NFB019Selected Articles of Geomechanics
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
DFB022Soil and Structure Interaction
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
BFA002Soil Mechanics
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
BFA002Soil Mechanics
Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, GTN
NFB016Special Foundation Methods (KON)
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
NFB013Special Foundation Methods (S)
Exercise, Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
BFB010Specialized Project (K-GTN)
Project, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN
CZV-ZSTZakládání staveb
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCE, GTN

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025