doc. PhDr.
Martin Horáček
FA, UPP – Associate professor
+420 54114 6725
Consulting hours
Thursday, 12:00-13:00, E1/E508 (Veveří 530/95, Brno 602 00)
Guaranteed courses
PAP-T | Architectural Heritage Conservation Czech, winter, FA, UPP |
KTA-T | Chapters from the Theory of Architecture Czech, winter, FA, UPP |
DA1 | Language of Architecture Czech, summer, FA, UT |
D03 | Theory of architecture Czech, summer, FA, UT |
TRA-T | Traditionalism in Architecture of the 20th and 21st Centuries Czech, summer, FA, UPP |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Lectured courses
PAP-T | Architectural Heritage Conservation Lecture, Czech, winter, FA, UPP |
KTA-T | Chapters from the Theory of Architecture Seminar, Czech, winter, FA, UPP |
D03 | Theory of architecture Seminar, Czech, summer, FA, UT |
TRA-T | Traditionalism in Architecture of the 20th and 21st Centuries Seminar, Czech, summer, FA, UPP |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025