Martin Juliš
CEITEC, RG-2-05 – Researcher
+420 54114 9725
Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 1993 - 1997, leaving examination, secondary school of machinery industry
- 1997 - 2004, Ing., BUT, Faculty of mechanical Engineering, Material engineering
- 2004 - , postgraduate studies, Physical and material engineering, department of Material science and engineering
- 2008 - Ph.D., BUT, Faculty of mechanical Engineering, Material engineering
- 2009 - qualificated for non destructive testing, UT - level 2, sektor MS.
Career overview
- 1997, designer of stirring unit, KPS a.s. Moravské Budějovice
- 2005 , Ecocentre of applied reserch nonferrous metals, Department of material science and engineering, Brno Universtity of Technology
since 2008: Senior lecturer, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, FME BUT Brno
- since 2011: Research worker, CEITEC VUT, Research program - Advanced materials, Research group - Advanced Coatings.
Scientific activities
ResearcherID: D-9461-2012, H-index (Web of Science): 5
- Research of advanced lightweight alloys Al, Mg for engineering applications
Technology and processing of protective coatings and/or layers
- Low cyclic fatigue of nickel base superalloys
- Defectoscopy - ultrasound testing
- 2018-2021 project MPO TRIO FV30305 - Unconventional technology of production of magnesium alloy castings by the method of precise casting and controlled melt solidification in ceramic form
- 2013 project FRVŠ 65/2013 B1d
- 2009-2012 project MPO FR-TI1/ 485
- 2009-2012 project MPO FR—TI1/099
- 2009, grant BUT num. 2E13800119
- 2005, grant BUT - Influence Al-Si surface layer on mechanical properties nickel-base superalloys