doc. Ing.

Michal Bidlo


FIT, DCSY – Associate professor

+420 54114 1206

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doc. Ing. Michal Bidlo, Ph.D.


ORCID iD 0000-0002-1217-6711
Researcher IDGRS-4501-2022
Scopus ID9333469700

Faculty of Information Technology

Department of Computer Systems, Associate professor

AddressBožetěchova 1/2, Královo Pole, 61266, Brno, Česká republika
Work phone+420 54114 1206
RoomB/L330 (Božetěchova 1/2, Brno 61200)

Evolvable Hardware Research Group, Member

Members of Commissions for State Doctoral Examinations, Member of Workgroup

Members of Commissions for State Final Examinations at FIT, Member of Workgroup

Supervisors in Doctoral Study Programme at FIT, Member of Workgroup

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