doc. Ing.

Michal Karas


FBM, ÚF – Associate professor

+420 54114 3708

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doc. Ing. Michal Karas, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Thursday, 13:00-15:00, IO/P474 (Kolejní 2906/4, Brno 61200)

KH dne 20.2.2025 se ruší, v případě potřeby je možnost konzultace online na základě předchozí domluvy.

Děkuji za pochopení.

Guaranteed courses

ZFIBasic Elements of Financing
Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF
fabsPFinance and Accounting for Business Strategy
English, winter, FBM, ÚE
BFMSEFinancial Management of Small Company
English, summer, FBM, ÚF
MC_FRMPFinancial Management of Small Company
Czech, both, FBM
ifKInternational Finance
English, winter, FBM, ÚF
ifPInternational Finance
English, winter, FBM, ÚF
MBAD-616Managerial Finance
English, winter, FBM, ÚF
MBAD-616Managerial Finance
English, summer, FBM, ÚF

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

fpPCorporate Finance
Lecture, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
fabsPFinance and Accounting for Business Strategy
Exercise, Lecture, English, winter, FBM, ÚE
BFMSEFinancial Management of Small Company
Exercise, Lecture, English, summer, FBM, ÚF
MC_FRMPFinancial Management of Small Company
Lifelong Learning course, Czech, both, FBM
frpPFinancing Business Development
Exercise, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
frpKFinancing Business Development
Guided consultation in combined form of studies, Czech, winter, FBM, ÚF
FropPRating and Valuation
Exercise, Czech, summer, FBM, ÚF

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025