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FEEC, UTKO – Assistant professor
+420 54114 6932krajsao@vut.cz
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KIAC, M.; ŘÍHA, K.; KRAJSA, O. Application of YOLOv7 neural network model for control of laboratory processes. Proceedings of the 29th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2023. Proceedings II of the Conference STUDENT EEICT. 1. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, 2023. p. 384-388. ISBN: 978-80-214-6153-6. ISSN: 2788-1334.Detail | WWW
KOLAŘÍK, M.; JONÁK, M.; PŘINOSIL, J.; KRAJSA, O.; BURGET, R.; GAJDACZEK, T. One-Class Learning Weed Plants Detection on Multispectral Images. In 2022 14th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT). International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops. Valencia, Spain: IEEE, 2022. p. 76-79. ISBN: 979-8-3503-9866-3. ISSN: 2157-023X.Detail | WWW
KRBAL, M.; KRAJSA, O.; MLÝNEK, P. Výstup TK04020068-V1 – Technická zpráva. Brno: 2022. p. 1-21. Detail
FUJDIAK, R.; MAŠEK, P.; HANÁK, P.; ŠTŮSEK, M.; KRAJSA, O.; POKORNÝ, J.; MLÝNEK, P.; MIŠUREC, J. Závěrečná zpráva pro dohled nad katodickými stanicemi. Brno: 2019. p. 1-59. Detail
SCHIMMEL, J.; SYSEL, P.; KRAJSA, O.; RYŠAVÝ, M. Fractional-Octave Filters for Energy-Efficient Noise Measurement for Sensor Networks. In 2018 10th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT). 2018. p. 243-247. ISBN: 978-1-5386-9361-2.Detail
MLÝNEK, P.; FUJDIAK, R.; KRAJSA, O.; ZEMAN, K.; POSPÍCHAL, L.; KUBÍČEK, P.; BABKA, J. Nové progresivní komunikační technologie a kybernetická bezpečnost chytrých sítí v energetice. In Sborník příspěvků konference ČK CIRED. 2016. p. 1-11. ISBN: 978-80-87373-37- 8.Detail
BOTTA, M.; ŠIMEK, M.; KRAJSA, O.; ČERVENKA, V.; PÁL, T. On Location Estimation Technique Based of the Time of Flight in Low-power Wireless Systems. Measurement Science Review, 2015, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 58-63. ISSN: 1335-8871.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
ŠIFTA, R.; MÜNSTER, P.; SYSEL, P.; HORVÁTH, T.; NOVOTNÝ, V.; KRAJSA, O. Distributed fiber-optic sensor for detection and localization of acoustic vibrations. METROL MEAS SYST, 2015, vol. [22], no. [1], p. 111-118. ISSN: 0860-8229.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
ŠIFTA, R.; MÜNSTER, P.; KRAJSA, O.; FILKA, M. Simulation of bidirectional traffic in WDM- PON networks. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2014, vol. 90, no. 1, p. 95-100. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail | WWW
KOVÁČ, D.; MAŠEK, P.; HOŠEK, J.; PAVLOVA, M.; KRAJSA, O. Analysis of Network Parameters Influencing Performance of Hybrid Multimedia Networks. International Journal of Advances in Telecommunications, Electrotechnics, Signals and Systems, 2014, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 122-128. ISSN: 1805- 5443.Detail
ŠIFTA, R.; MÜNSTER, P.; KRAJSA, O.; NOVOTNÝ, V.; KOTON, J. Distributed fiber sensor for acoustic vibrations. In Fourth Forum of Young Researchers. In the framework of International Forum Education Quality – 2014. 1. Izhevsk, Russia: Publishing House, 2014. p. 368-371. ISBN: 978-5-7526-0649- 6.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠIFTA, R.; ŠEDÝ, J. A Comparative Study of The Modern Access Networks. In 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). 1. 2013. p. 123-126. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0403- 7.Detail
ŠEDÝ, J.; ŠILHAVÝ, P.; KRAJSA, O.; HROUZA, O. Performance analysis of turbo codes. Communications, 2013, vol. 15, no. 2a/ 2013, p. 167-173. ISSN: 1335- 4205.Detail
ŠEDÝ, J.; ŠILHAVÝ, P.; KRAJSA, O.; HROUZA, O. Turbo blokové kódy. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (http://www.elektrorevue.cz), 2013, vol. 2013, no. 2, p. 1-5. ISSN: 1213- 1539.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠEDÝ, J. VoIP Performance Testing with Asterisk PBX. In Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies. 2013. p. 128-130. ISBN: 978-80-227-4026- 5.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; MÍČA, I.; OMRAN, Y.; SYSEL, P. Secure VoIP protocols, its comparison and performance analysis. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Telecommunication Systems. 1. Praha: ATSMA, 2012. p. 150-153. ISBN: 978-0-9820958-6- 7.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; SYSEL, P.; OMRAN, Y.; ŠEDÝ, J. A Comparison of VoIP performance and capacity over PON and metallic networks. In Research in Telecommunication Technologies 2012. 1. 2012. p. 81-84. ISBN: 978-80-554-0570- 4.Detail
REICHERT, P.; ŠIFTA, R.; FILKA, M.; ŠPORIK, J.; KRAJSA, O. New generations of passive optical networks. In Third forum of young researchers. 1. Izhevsk: 2012. p. 425-432. ISBN: 978-5-7526-0531- 4.Detail
ŠILHAVÝ, P.; KRAJSA, O.; SYSEL, P.; KOUTNÝ, M. Overlapped filtered multitone modulation and its optimization on VLIW DSP. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, 2011, vol. 86, no. 12, p. 91-95. ISSN: 0033- 2097.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; FOJTOVÁ, L. Host distance measurement using ICMP protocol in IP networks. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies 2011. 2011. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-214-4283- 2.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠILHAVÝ, P.; SYSEL, P. Filterbank modulation techniques and its utilization in ADSL systems. In Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. 2011. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1409- 2.Detail
KRAJSA, O. Filtered Multitone Modulation and its comparison with OFDM modulation. In Proc. Int. Conf. Teleinformatics 2011. Dolní Morava: 2011. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-214-4231- 3.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; FOJTOVÁ, L. RTT measurement and its dependence on the real geographical distance. In Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing. 2011. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1409- 2.Detail
ŘÍHA, K.; ČÍŽ, R.; KRAJSA, O.; CHMELAŘ, M.; BENEŠ, R. Nové diagnostické metody zjišťování parametrů oběhového systému založené na infračerveném snímání obrazu krevního řečiště - závěrečná výzkumná zpráva o řešení grantového projektu MŠMT reg. č. 2B06111 za rok 2011. BRNO: VUT, 2011.Detail
KRAJSA, O. Communication system based on filterbank modulation techniques. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Research in Telecommunication Technologies 2011. 2011. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-214-4283- 2.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠILHAVÝ, P. DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS. In DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS. 1. 2011. p. 363-382. ISBN: 978-953-307-200- 5.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠILHAVÝ, P.; KOUTNÝ, M. Non- overlapped FMT modulation in wireless networks. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (CSS'10). 1. Corfu: WSEAS Press, 2010. p. 174-178. ISBN: 978-960-474-208- 0.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠILHAVÝ, P.; SYSEL, P.; KOUTNÝ, M. Optimized implementation of FMT modulation on DSP. In Advances in Communictions, Computers, Systems, Circuits and Devices. Puerto De La Cruz: wseas, 2010. p. 268-271. ISBN: 978-960-474-250- 9.Detail
SYSEL, P.; KRAJSA, O. Optimization of FIR filter implementation for FMT on VLIW DSP. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Signals (CSS'10). 1. Corfu: WSEAS Press, 2010. p. 169-173. ISBN: 978-960-474-208- 0.Detail
ŘÍHA, K.; ČÍŽ, R.; KRAJSA, O.; CHMELAŘ, M.; BENEŠ, R. Nové diagnostické metody zjišťování parametrů oběhového systému založené na infračerveném snímání obrazu krevního řečiště - dílčí výzkumná zpráva o řešení grantového projektu MŠMT reg. č. 2B06111 za rok 2010. BRNO: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy, 2010.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠILHAVÝ, P.; KOUTNÝ, M. Half- overlapped Filtered MultiTone modulation for PowerLine Communication systems. In Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Systems. Rhodos: WSEAS Press, 2009. p. 596-599. ISBN: 978-960-474-097- 0.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; KOUTNÝ, M. Possibilities of utilization of the FMT modulation in PCL systems. In 9-th International Conference - Research in Telecommunication Technology RTT - 2008. 1. Bratislava: FEI STU Bratislava, 2008. p. 1-3. ISBN: 978-80-227-2939- 0.Detail
KRAJSA, O.; ŠILHAVÝ, P. The implementation and comparison of non-overlapped and half- overlapped filtered multitone modulation. In Proceedengs of The 7th WSEAS International Conference on CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS, CONTROL & SIGNAL PROCESSING. 1. Puerto De La Cruz, Spain: WSEAS, 2008. p. 272-277. ISBN: 978-960-474-035- 2.Detail
KOUTNÝ, M.; MIŠUREC, J.; KRAJSA, O. Design of cryptography security of measuring systems. In Proceedings of Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2008. Amsterdam: IADIS, 2008. p. 148-151. ISBN: 978-972-8924-67- 6.Detail
KRAJSA, O. Implementation of FMT modulation on signal processor with using Matlab. In 8-th International Conference - Research in Telecommunication Technology RTT - 2007. 1. Žilina: Žilinská Univerzita, 2007. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-8070-735- 4.Detail
ŠILHAVÝ, P.; KRAJSA, O. Nové přístupy k řešení ekvalizace v moderních číslicových přenosových systémech - Průběžná zpráva grantu GAČR PostDoc číslo 102/06/P160, 2006- 2007. 1. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. p. 1-71. Detail
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