Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 1989, M.Sc., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University og Technology, specialization Transport and Handling Engineering
Career overview
- 1990-till this time, senior lecturer, Instritute of Transport Engineering, FME BUT in Brno
Pedagogic activities
- Driving mechanisms (QHL)
- Calculation methods (QVM)
- Year Project - Motor Vehicles (QR1)
- Year Project - Internal Combustion Engines (QR2)
- Calculation models (QMO)
- Diploma Project I (M2335) (QDD)
- Diploma Project (M2335) (QDP)
- Diploma Seminar (M2335) (QD6)
- Organization of student excursion in industry plants of study specialization (Skoda-Auto, BMW, AVL, Tatra etc.)
- Organization of special educational presentations in the field of Motor Vehicles and Internal Combustion Engines
Scientific activities
- Research and development activities aim to two fields, namely motor vehicles and internal combustion engines and the field of thermodynamic processe during material production. In these fields is or was the member of research team of a range of research project.
- 1993-1994, System for Internarnal Combustion Engines Working Cycles Measurement and Analysisi, project No. 39/93-D of Invetive Activities Support Foundation BUT in Brno
- 1995-1997, New Concept of Complex Electronic Management of Spark Ignition Engines. project GA CR 101/95/1403
- 1996-1998, Solution of Combustion for Low Emission Engines, project GA CR 101/96/0995
- 2001-2003, Complex Optimization of Steel Concasting Technology including Special Steels, project GA CR 106/01/1464
- 2001-2003, Optimization of Properties and Production Technology of Modular Iron Castings of Very High Mass (20t), project GA CR 106/01/1164
- 2001-2003, Complex Threedimensional Computational Models of Crankshaft Mechanism, project GA CR 101/01/0027
- 2003-2005, Creation of Comlex Models of Technological Parameters Prediction and Thermodynamic Processes for Quality Control Systems Improvement, project EU EUREKA E! 2716 COOP
- 2003-2005, Optimization of Casting of Corundobaddeleyt Material EUCOR, project EU COST Action 526 APOMAT