Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 1979 Faculty of Science, MS in Solid State Physics
- 1989 RNDr. in Theoretical Physics (MU Brno)
- 1985 CSc. (PhD) in Theoretical Physics
- 1992 habilitation in Solid State Physics (MU Brno)
- 2005 professor
Career overview
- 1970 to 1984 MU Brno
- since 1984 BUT
Pedagogic activities
- leader of the project of the Czech edition of the textbook Halliday, Resnick, Walker Fundamentals of Physics (VUTIUM-Press, Brno 2000, 1st ed., 2013, 2nd ed.)
- coordinator of the Study Program in Physical Engineering
Non-University activities
- Union of Czech Matematitians and Physicists
- member of the commission of the Grant Agency of CR (1994-1999)
- National Acreditation Agency (since 2018)
Prizing by scientific community
more then 160 citations, mostly in SCI
- Brno Centre of European Studies project (since 2004)
- Anorganic nanomaterials and nanostructures (since 2005)
Sum of citations (without self-citations) indexed within ISI Web of Knowledge