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Dr. Ing.
FIT, DITS – Assistant professor
+420 54114 1201peringer@fit.vut.cz
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ROGALEWICZ, A.; ŠOKOVÁ, V.; VOJNAR, T.; HOLÍK, L.; PERINGER, P.; ZULEGER, F. Low-Level Bi-Abduction (Artifact). Dagstuhl: 2022. p. 1-6. Detail | WWW
HOLÍK, L.; PERINGER, P.; ROGALEWICZ, A.; ŠOKOVÁ, V.; VOJNAR, T.; ZULEGER, F. Low-Level Bi-Abduction (technical report). Ithaca: 2022. p. 0-0. Detail | WWW
HOLÍK, L.; PERINGER, P.; ROGALEWICZ, A.; ŠOKOVÁ, V.; VOJNAR, T.; ZULEGER, F. Low-Level Bi-Abduction. In 36th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2022). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Wadern: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2022. p. 1-30. ISBN: 978-3-95977-225-9. ISSN: 1868-8969.Detail | WWW
ŠOKOVÁ, V.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. PredatorHP Revamped (Not Only) for Interval-Sized Memory Regions and Memory Reallocation (Competition Contribution). In Proceedings of TACAS 2020 (2). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020. p. 408-412. ISBN: 978-3-030-45236-0.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
KOTOUN, M.; PERINGER, P.; ŠOKOVÁ, V.; VOJNAR, T. PredatorHP Attacks Interval-Sized Regions. Ithaca: 2019. p. 1-4. Detail | WWW
PERINGER, P.; ŠOKOVÁ, V.; TRTÍK, M.; VOJNAR, T.; HOLÍK, L.; KOTOUN, M. Predator Shape Analysis Tool Suite. In Proceedings of HVC 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Zurich: Springer International Publishing, 2016. p. 202-209. ISBN: 978-3-319-49052-6.Detail | WWW
KOTOUN, M.; PERINGER, P.; ŠOKOVÁ, V.; VOJNAR, T. Optimized PredatorHP and the SV-COMP Heap and Memory Safety Benchmark (Competition Contribution). In Proceedings of TACAS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2016. p. 942-945. ISBN: 978-3-662-49673-2.Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; HOLÍK, L.; PERINGER, P.; TRTÍK, M.; VOJNAR, T. From Low-Level Pointers to High-Level Containers, Technical Report No. FIT-TR-2015-03. Brno: 2016. p. 1-28. Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; HOLÍK, L.; PERINGER, P.; TRTÍK, M.; VOJNAR, T. From Low-Level Pointers to High-Level Containers. In Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2016. p. 431-452. ISBN: 978-3-662-49121-8.Detail | WWW
PERINGER, P.; MÜLLER, P.; VOJNAR, T. Predator Hunting Party (Competition Contribution). In Proceedings of TACAS'15. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2015. p. 443-446. ISBN: 978-3-662-46680-3.Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. Predator: A Shape Analyzer Based on Symbolic Memory Graphs (Competition Contribution). In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2014. p. 412-414. ISBN: 978-3-642-54861-1.Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. Byte-Precise Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation. 20th Static Analysis Symposium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7935. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013. p. 215-237. ISBN: 978-3-642-38855-2. ISSN: 0302-9743.Detail
DUDKA, K.; MÜLLER, P.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. Predator: A Tool for Verification of Low-Level List Manipulation (Competition Contribution). Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7795. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2013. p. 627-629. ISBN: 978-3-642-36742-7. ISSN: 0302-9743.Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. An Easy to Use Infrastructure for Building Static Analysis Tools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, vol. 2012, no. 6927, p. 527-534. ISSN: 0302-9743.Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; MÜLLER, P.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. Predator: A Verification Tool for Programs with Dynamic Linked Data Structures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, vol. 2012, no. 7214, p. 544-547. ISSN: 0302-9743.Detail | WWW
DUDKA, K.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. An Easy to Use Infrastructure for Building Static Analysis Tools. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Universidad de Las Palmas de Canaria: The Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2011. p. 328-329. ISBN: 978-84-693-9560-8.Detail
DUDKA, K.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. Predator: A Practical Tool for Checking Manipulation of Dynamic Data Structures Using Separation Logic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, vol. 2011, no. 6806, p. 372-378. ISSN: 0302-9743.Detail | WWW
PERINGER, P. New Calendar Implementation for SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS 2008. Ostrava: MARQ, 2008. p. 166-169. ISBN: 978-80-86840-42-0.Detail
PERINGER, P. Porting SIMLIB/C++ to 64-bit Platform. Proceedings of XXIXth International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2007. Ostrava: 2007. p. 155-160. ISBN: 978-80-86840-34-5.Detail | WWW
PERINGER, P. Open Source Simulation and Data Analysis Tools. Proceedings of ASIS 2006. Ostrava: 2006. p. 109-112. ISBN: 80-86840-26-3.Detail
HANÁČEK, P.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Získávání vstupních dat pro modely bezpečnosti. Proceedings of ASIS 2005. Ostrava: MARQ, 2005. p. 68-73. ISBN: 80-86840-16-6.Detail
PERINGER, P.; HANÁČEK, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Analýza simulačních dat získaných z kryptografického modulu. Proceedings of ASIS 2004. Ostrava: MARQ, 2004. p. 66-71. ISBN: 80-86840-03.Detail
HRUBÝ, M.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Modelling of Tamper-Proof Devices. Proceedings of 38th International Conference MOSIS'04. Ostrava: 2004. p. 255-260. ISBN: 80-85988-98-4.Detail | WWW
RÁBOVÁ, Z.; HANÁČEK, P.; PERINGER, P. Využití modelů při analýze bezpečnosti kryptografických modulů. NETSS2004. Ostrava: MARQ, 2004. p. 115-120. ISBN: 80-85988-92-5.Detail
MARTINEK, D.; PERINGER, P. Parallel modelling in FuzzySIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of 37th International Conference MOSIS´03 Modelling and Simulation of Systems. Ostrava: 2003. p. 157-164. ISBN: 80-85988-86-0.Detail
FLORIÁN, V.; PERINGER, P. Systém pro 3D vizualizaci výsledků simulace. Proceedings of XXV-th International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2003. Ostrava: MARQ, 2003. p. 999-1002. ISBN: 80-85988-88-7.Detail
PERINGER, P. New design and implementation concepts for SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of XXIVth International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2002. Ostrava: 2002. p. 201-204. ISBN: 80-85988-77-1.Detail
HRUBÝ, M.; KOČÍ, R.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Tools for Creating of Multimodels. Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems Cybernetics, 2002, vol. 2002, no. 9, p. 1391-1400. ISSN: 0368-492X.Detail
HRUBÝ, M.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Knowledge-Based Simulator in Object-Oriented Environment. Proceedings of the 35th Spring International Conference MOSIS 2001. Hradec nad Moravicí: 2001. p. 75-80. ISBN: 80-214-1860-5.Detail
MARTINEK, D.; PERINGER, P. Graphical Fuzzy Sets Editor. Proceedings of 23rd International Autumn Colloquium ASIS 2001. Ostrava: 2001. p. 143-146. ISBN: 80-85988-61-5.Detail
RÁBOVÁ, Z.; JANOUŠEK, V.; PERINGER, P.; VOJNAR, T. An Environment for Building Heterogeneous Models. Proceedings of MOSIS 2000. Rožnov: 2000. p. 89-94. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5.Detail
HANÁČEK, P.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Knowledge-Based Approach to Risk Analysis Modelling. Proceedings of JCKBSE 2000. Brno: unknown, 2000. p. 25-30. ISBN: 1-58603-060-4.Detail | WWW
PERINGER, P. Tools for Simulation Model Optimization. Proceedings of 22nd International Autumn Workshop ASIS 2000. Sv. Hostýn: 2000. p. 195-198. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8.Detail
PERINGER, P. Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Extension to SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS'99. Krnov: 1999. p. 209-212. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0.Detail
SCHWARZ, J.; PERINGER, P. Simulation Model of the Traffic Light Crossing with Fuzzy Control. Proceedings of MOSIS'99. Rožnov: 1999. p. 99-106. ISBN: 80-85988-33-X.Detail | WWW
PERINGER, P. Models of Delay in SIMLIB/C++. Proceedings of ASIS'98. Krnov, Czech Republic: 1998. p. 51-54. ISBN: 80-85988-27-5.Detail
PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Heterogeneous Models. Proceedings of ECI'98. Herlany: Slovak Academy of Science, 1998. p. 187-190. ISBN: 80-88786-94-0.Detail
PERINGER, P. Tools for continuous Simulation in 3D space. Proceedings of ASIS'97. Krnov, Czech Republic: 1997. p. 327-330. ISBN: 80-85988-17-8.Detail
PERINGER, P. Hierarchical Modelling Based on Communicating Objects. Proceedings of Conference MOSIS'97. Hradec nad Moravicí: 1997. p. 122-127. ISBN: 80-85988-16-X.Detail
JANOŠ, J.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Simulační podpora návrhu informačních systémů. 1997. p. 0-0. Detail
PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Prostředí pro modelování informačních systémů. Proceedings of Conference ASIS'96. Zábřeh na Moravě: MARQ, 1996. p. 241-246. ISBN: 80-85988-10-0.Detail
PERINGER, P. Methods of Simulation Systems Testing. Proceedings of MOSIS'96. Krnov: 1996. p. 175-180. ISBN: 80-85988-02-X.Detail
PERINGER, P. Hierarchické modelování na bázi komunikujících objektů. Brno: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky VUT, 1996. p. 0-0. Detail
JANOŠ, J.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Simulation Techniques in Information System Design. Proceedings of Workshop'96. 1996. p. 203-204. Detail
PERINGER, P. Implementace simulačních abstrakcí. Sborník konference Computer Science. Ostrava: 1995. p. 126-133. ISBN: 80-901751-7-1.Detail
PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Integrace simulačního modelu do informačního systému. Sborník konference Advanced Simulation of Systems. Zábřeh na Moravě: MARQ, 1995. p. 103-106. ISBN: 80-901751-1-2.Detail
JANOŠ, J.; PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. Simulation Techniques and Tools for Stochastic Discrete Systems. Proceedings of 8th International Conference SAER'94. Varna (Bulgaria): unknown, 1994. p. 239-243. ISBN: 954-8329-06-9.Detail
PERINGER, P. Basic Abstractions for Object-Oriented Model Description. Proceedings of MOSIS'94. Zábřeh na Moravě: 1994. p. 274-277. ISBN: 80-901229-8-1.Detail
PERINGER, P.; RÁBOVÁ, Z. An Environment for Effective Implementation of Simulation Models. Proceedings of CATE'93. Brno: 1993. p. 461-464. Detail
PERINGER, P. Object-Oriented Description of Continuous Systems. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium MOSIS'93. Olomouc: 1993. p. 83-87. Detail
RÁBOVÁ, Z.; ZENDULKA, J.; ČEŠKA, M.; PERINGER, P.; JANOUŠEK, V. Modelování a simulace. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 1992. p. 0-0. ISBN: 80-214-0480-9.Detail
PERINGER, P. Object-Oriented Simulation Library in C++. Proceedings of System Science XI. Wroclaw (Poland): unknown, 1992. p. 121-121. ISBN: 83-7085-023-5.Detail
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