
Roman Trchalík


FIT, CM-SFE – Member of Workgroup

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Mgr. Roman Trchalík, Ph.D.


  • 2015

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. System for Remote Monitoring of Engineering Services. International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME 2014). Chennai: Elsevier Science, 2015. p. 1-3. ISBN: 978-1-63439-365-2.
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  • 2012

    TRCHALÍK, R.; ŠVÉDA, M. Unified Sensor Gateway Interconnection of Sensor Networks. Proceedings 11th IFAC/IEEE International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Sy. Programmable devices and systems. Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, Volume # 11 | Part# 1. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2012. p. 372-377. ISBN: 978-3-902823-21-2. ISSN: 1474-6670.
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  • 2011

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. Approaches to the Security and Payment Protocols Design: State of the Art. International Conference on INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INTERFACES. Dubrovnik: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2011. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-953-7138-21-9.

  • 2010

    ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R. Development of Interconnecting SW for Intranets and Fieldbuses. Programmable devices and systems, 2010, vol. 2010, no. 10, p. 119-124. ISSN: 1474-6670.

  • 2009

    ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P. Design of Networked Embedded Systems: An Approach for Safety and Security. Preprints of IFAC Workshop on PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS PDeS 2009. Programmable devices and systems. Ostrava: IFAC, 2009. p. 131-136. ISSN: 1474-6670.

    TRCHALÍK, R. A Component-Based model for Embedded Software. EDS '09 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno, CZ: Brno University of Technology, 2009. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-214-3933-7.

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R.; ŠVÉDA, M. On the Implementation of Metrics in Industrial Embedded Systems. Proceedings 9th IFAC International Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. Programmable devices and systems. Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems, Volume # 9 | Part# 1. Ostrava: IFAC, 2009. p. 157-160. ISBN: 978-3-902661-41-8. ISSN: 1474-6670.

  • 2008

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. Using AVISPA in the Education of Network Security. EDS '08 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2008. p. 1-8. ISBN: 978-80-214-3717-3.

    TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P.; ŠVÉDA, M. Using MSC and SDL Languages for Description of Network Communication. EDS '08 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2008. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-214-3717-3.

  • 2007

    TRCHALÍK, R.; ŠVÉDA, M. Sensor Networking through Intranet and ZigBee. EDS '07 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2007. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-214-3470-7.

    TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P. Addressing and Routing in Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 8th International Carpathian Control Conference. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2007. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-8073-805-1.

    ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R. ZigBee-to-Internet Interconnection Architectures. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobile Communications and Learning MCL 2007. Saint Luce, Martinique: IEEE Computer Society, 2007. p. 355-360. ISBN: 0-7695-2807-4.

    ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R. Safety and Security-driven Design of Networked Embedded Systems. Proceedings 10th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools. Lübeck: IEEE Computer Society, 2007. p. 420-423. ISBN: 0-7695-2978-X.

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. Reasoning About Security Protocols in the ZigBee Standard. Proceedings of the 8th International Carpathian Control Conference. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2007. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-80-8073-805-1.

  • 2006

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. On the Implementation of Metrics in the Workflow System. WSEAS Transactions on Computers Research, 2006, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 360-362. ISSN: 1991-8755.

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. On the Implementation of Metrics in the Workflow System. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Computer Science. Puerto De La Cruz: World Scientific and Engineering Academy, 2006. p. 329-331. ISBN: 960-8457-57-2.

    ŠVÉDA, M.; TRCHALÍK, R. Smart Sensor Networking with ZigBee and Internet. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing (ANNIIP 2006). Setúbal: University of Pierre and Marie Curie, 2006. p. 64-71. ISBN: 972-8865-68-6.

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. Tracing Authentication Protocols Behavior: A Case Study. MEMICS 2006 Second Doctoral Workshop on Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science. Mikulov: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2006. p. 166-173. ISBN: 80-214-3287-X.
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    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. The Use of Modal Logics in the Security Protocols Analysis. Proceedings of the 12th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2006. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2006. p. 395-399. ISBN: 80-214-3163-6.

    OČENÁŠEK, P.; TRCHALÍK, R. Modal Logics Used for Authentication Protocols Analysis: Survey and Comparison. Proceedings of the 7th International Carpathian Control Conference. Ostrava: VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2006. p. 401-404. ISBN: 80-248-1066-2.
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    TRCHALÍK, R. Design IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee sítě. Počítačové architektúry & diagnostika 2006. Bratislava: Slovenská akademie věd, 2006. p. 107-112. ISBN: 80-969202-2-7.

    TRCHALÍK, R.; ŠVÉDA, M. Sensor Networking through Intranet and ZigBee. Proceedings IMAPS CS International Conference EDS'06. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2006. p. 217-221. ISBN: 80-214-3246-2.

    TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P. Metrics in Workflow Systems. Proceedings of the 7th International Carpathian Control Conference. Ostrava: VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2006. p. 569-572. ISBN: 80-248-1066-2.
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    TRCHALÍK, R.; OČENÁŠEK, P. Zigbee Gateways. Proceedings of the 12th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2006. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2006. p. 410-414. ISBN: 80-214-3163-6.

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