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Ing. Dr. Techn.
FEEC, UREL – Researcher
+420 54114 6586derbek@vut.cz
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HARVÁNEK, M.; DERBEK, V.; KRÁL, J.; POSPÍŠIL, M.; POVALAČ, A. SDR Interference Emulator for RFID Applications. In 2021 31st International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA). Brno: IEEE, 2021. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-6654-1474-6.Detail | WWW
HARVÁNEK, M.; DERBEK, V. Method of Improving Receiver Sensitivity of RFID Reader HW Platforms with Limited Resources. In Proceedings of the 26 th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2016. 2016. p. 450-453. ISBN: 978-1-5090-1673-0.Detail | WWW
VYCHODIL, J.; CHANDRA, A.; MIKULÁŠEK, T.; PROKEŠ, A.; DERBEK, V. UWB Time Domain Channel Sounder. In Proceedings of 25th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2015. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2015. p. 268-271. ISBN: 978-1-4799-8117-5.Detail | WWW
VYCHODIL, J.; BLUMENSTEIN, J.; MIKULÁŠEK, T.; PROKEŠ, A.; DERBEK, V. Measurement of In-Vehicle Channel – Feasibility Measurement of In-Vehicle Channel – Feasibility of Ranging in UWB and MMW Band. In 2014 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (ICCVE 2014). 2014. p. 695-698. ISBN: 978-1-4799-6729-2.Detail
DUFEK, I.; DERBEK, V. Adaptation of an Active RFID Technology for Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks Power Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. Cagliari: 2013. p. 769-773. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2480- 9.Detail
DUŠEK, M.; POVALAČ, A.; DERBEK, V.; ŠEBESTA, J.; MARŠÁLEK, R. Hardware and Software Stack for an SDR- based RFID Test Platform. In Proceedings of 2012 Fourth International EURASIP Workshop on RFID Technology RFID 2012. Torino, Italy: IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS), 2012. p. 41-45. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4813- 5.Detail
DERBEK, V.; PREISHUBER-PFLUEGL, J.; HOLTSTIEGE, T.; PISTAUER, M. Method of Receiver Sensitivity Improvement for RFID Measurement and Test Instruments. In Proceedings of the THIRD INTERNATIONAL EURASIP WORKSHOP ON RFID TECHNOLOGY. Cartagena, Spain: portal.acm. org, 2010. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-84-96997-47- 9.Detail
DERBEK, V.; STEGER, C.; WEISS, R.; PREISHUBER-PFLUEGL, J.; PISTAUER, M. An UHF RFID Measurement and Evaluation Test System. Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik ÖVE - Verbandszeitschrift, 2007, vol. 124, no. 11, p. 1-6. ISSN: 0932- 383X.Detail
DERBEK, V. A Novel Model- Based Methodology for Verification and optimization of UHF RFID Systems. Technische Universitaet Graz, Rakousko: 2007.Detail
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