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FIT, DCSY – Assistant professor
+420 54114 1348mrazek@fit.vut.cz
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MRÁZEK, V.; VAŠÍČEK, Z.; SEKANINA, L.: EvoApproxLib; EvoApproxLib - a comprehensive collection of low-level approximate implementations of arithmetic operations. Implementace a všechny dodatečné informace se nacházejí na https://ehw.fit.vutbr.cz/evoapproxlib/ a na https://github.com/ehw-fit/evoapproxlib/. URL: https://www.fit.vut.cz/research/product/632/. (software)https://www.fit.vut.cz/research/product/632/, number of downloads: 0Detail
MRÁZEK, V.: autoax; autoAx: An Open-Source Automated Design Space Exploration Framework for Approximate Accelerators in FPGAs and ASICs. https://github.com/ehw-fit/autoax. URL: https://github.com/ehw-fit/autoax. (software)https://github.com/ehw-fit/autoax, number of downloads: 0Detail
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