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Project detail
Duration: 01.01.2001 — 31.12.2003
Funding resources
Czech Science Foundation - Standardní projekty
- whole funder (2001-01-01 - 2003-12-31)
On the project
Metody rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie pro studiu mikrostruktury měkkých biologických tkání s vysokou rozlišovací schopností. Nové detekční systémy pro detekci zpětně odražených a sekundárních elektronů ve vysokotlakém prostředí vzorku. Detektory využívající aplikaci magnetického pole v okolí vzorku, ovlivňující dráhy elektronů a zvyšující zisk signálu.
Description in EnglishThe essence of the proposed project is the attainment of more pronounced or fully new information about the macrostructural nature of soft water-containing biological tissues with high resolution by using methods of environmental scanning electron micros
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People responsible
Autrata Rudolf, prof. Ing., DrSc. - principal person responsibleJirák Josef, doc. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcher
Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology- co-beneficiary (2001-01-01 - 2003-12-31)
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P., JIRÁK, J. Detection of Backscattered Electrons for Biological Specimens Study. In Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: 2001. p. 519 ( p.)ISBN: 1-58949-003-7.Detail
Problematika detekce sekundárních a zpětně odražených elektronů ve vysokém tlaku ESEM. PDS 2002. Brno: 2002. s. 25 ( s.)ISBN: 80-238-9915-5.Detail
MICHÁLEK, M., JIRÁK, J. Modified configuration of ionization detector for environmental SEM. In Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Rinton Press, Inc., 2001. p. 529 ( p.)ISBN: 1-58949-003-7.Detail
POLSTEROVÁ, H. Monitoring of Relanex ageing by scanning electron microscope. In Diagnostika 01. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2001. p. 279 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-742-4.Detail
JIRÁK, J., AUTRATA, R., ŠPINKA, J. Detection of signal electrons at higher pressure in the specimen chamber. In Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Brno: Institute of Scientific Instruments,Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2002. p. 55 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
NEDĚLA, V., ROMANOVSKÝ, V. Influence of Magnetic Field upon Detection in Environmental SEM. In Microscopy 2002 Proceedings of 2nd CSMS Annual Meeting. Brno 2002: 2002. p. 99 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8749-1.Detail
NEDĚLA, V., ROMANOVSKÝ, V. Influence of the Cross-section of Gas Molecules upon Detection in the Environmental SEM. In Microscopy 2002 Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting. Brno 2002: 2002. p. 83 ( p.)ISBN: 0-238-8749-1.Detail
NEDĚLA, V., AUTRATA, R., ROMANOVSKÝ, V. Influence of the Gas USED on Amplification of Signals in Environmental SEM. In Recent Trends. Brno 2002: 2002. p. 63 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
NEDĚLA, V. Dispersion and detection of signal electrons in environmental SEM. In Recent Trends. Brno 2002: 2002. p. 65 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
NEDĚLA, V. Scintillation Detector and its Exploitation in Environmental SEM. In Student EEICT 2002. Brno: VUT FEKT Brno, 2002. p. 127 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-904-4.Detail
SCHNEIDER, L. Ionization and Scintillation Detector in the Environmental Conditions. In 2002. p. 255 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-904-4.Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P. Improvement of Single Crystal Scintillator Properties in SEM Detectors. In Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumantation. Brno: 2002. p. 47 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
SCHAUER, P., AUTRATA, R. Cathodoluminescence Spectra Measurement. In Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Brno: 2002. p. 67 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
POLSTEROVÁ, H. Využití elektronové rastrovací mikroskopie v diagnostice izolací. In Conference Electrical and Power Engeneering. Časopis EE. Trenčín, SR: 2002. s. 48 ( s.)ISSN: 298-304.Detail
AUTRATA, R., JIRÁK, J., ROMANOVSKÝ, V. Influence of Electrode System Geometry on Signal in ESEM Ionisation Detector. In Proceedings of 15th International Congres on Electron Microscopy. Volume 3 Interdisciplinary. Durban,South Africa: 2002. p. 231 ( p.)ISBN: 0-620-29294-6.Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P. New fast and Efficient YAP Scintillator for the Detection in SEM. In Proceedings of 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. Volume 3,Interdisciplinary. Durban,South Africa: 2002. p. 347 ( p.)ISBN: 0-620-29294-6.Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P. Experimental Setup for Cathodoluminescence Spectra Measurement. In Proceedings of 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. Volume 3,Interdisciplynary. Durban,South Africa: 2002. p. 337 ( p.)ISBN: 0-620-29294-6.Detail
NEDĚLA, V. Problematika detekce sekundárních a zpětně odražených elektronů ve vysokém tlaku ESEM. In PDS 2002. Brno: 2002. s. 25 ( s.)ISBN: 80-238-9915-5.Detail
NEDĚLA, V. Signal Detection by Scintillation Detector from Organic and Inorganic Specimens in Environmental SEM. In Elektrotechnika a informatika 2002. Plzeň: 2002. p. 192 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-904-4.Detail
POLSTEROVÁ, H. Sledování stárnutí izolantů pomocí ESEM. In DISEE - Dielectrical Insulating Systems and Electrical Engineering. Častá-Píla: 2002. s. 123 ( s.)ISBN: 80-227-1758-4.Detail
AUTRATA, R., JIRÁK, J., ROMANOVSKÝ, V., ŠPINKA, J. COMBINED DETECTOR FOR BSE, SE AND BSE+SE DETECTION IN A LOW VOLTAGE SEM. In Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Czech republic, Brno: Institute of Scientific Instruments Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic, Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2002. p. 49 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
AUTRATA, R., JIRÁK, J., ŠPINKA, J. X-RAY MICROANALYSIS IN ESEM AND LV SEM. In Recent Trends in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. Czech republic, Brno: Institute of Scientific Instruments Academy of Sciences of the Czech republic, Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2002. p. 49 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
PŘICHYSTAL, V. In 2002.Detail
SCHNEIDER, L., JIRÁK, J. Influence of Size of Ionization Detector Electrode System on Signal Detection in ESEM. In Recent Trennds in Charged Particle Optics and Surface Physics Instrumentation. 2002. p. 57 ( p.)ISBN: 80-238-8986-9.Detail
SCHNEIDER, L. Signal Detection in Conditions of Environmental SEM. In The Fifth Scientific Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology for Ph.D. students. 2002. p. 74 ( p.)ISBN: 80-227-1760-6.Detail
SCHNEIDER, L. Ionization Detector Electrode System in Conditions of Environmental SEM. In Elektrotechnika a informatika 2002. 2002. p. 255 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-904-4.Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P., VLČEK, I. Improved Recording System for the Study of Single Crystal Imaging Screens. In Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Rinton Press,Inc., 2001. p. 533 ( p.)ISBN: 1-58949-003-7.Detail
AUTRATA, R., HORKÝ, D., ILKOVICS, L., PROCHÁZKA, V. Electron Microscopy of Biological Specimens at Their Natural State. In Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Rinton Press, Inc., 2001. p. 63 ( p.)ISBN: 1-58949-003-7.Detail
WANDROL, P. Collection Solid Angle of Backscattered electrons in Environmental Scanning electron Microscopy. In Proceedings of 9th conference and competition Student EEICT 2003. Brno: 2003. p. 539 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2379-X.Detail
MAXA, J., PROCHÁZKA, P. Směr vývoje v oblasti CA.. technologií a správy dat. In Sborník referátů XLIV. Konference kateder ČMS s mezinárodní účastí. Praha: 2003. s. 184 ( s.)ISBN: 80-01-02788-0.Detail
ROUBALÍKOVÁ, L., WANDROL, P., AUTRATA, R. The Effects of Four Rotary Nickel-titanium Systems. In 11th Biennial Congress of the European Society of Endodontology. Athens, Greece: 2003. p. 5 ( p.)Detail
AUTRATA, R., JIRÁK, J., WANDROL, P., ŠPINKA, J. Detection of Backscattered Electrons in Environmental Scaning Electron Microscope. In Proceedings 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy. Pula, Croatia: 2003. p. 489 ( p.)Detail
MAXA, J., NEDĚLA, V., PROCHÁZKA, P. Diagnostika jako součást elektronické definice výrobku (EPD) ve výuce. In DIS 2003. Košice: Technická univerzita Košice, 2003. s. 15 ( s.)ISBN: 80-8073-046-6.Detail
NEDĚLA, V. 3D Construction View of Differential Pumping Chamber with Detector Board of Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope. In Elektrotechnika a informatika 2003. Plzeň: 2003. p. 96 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-993-1.Detail
AUTRATA, R. Backscattered electron imaging using the improved YAG scintillation detector. In Proceedings of the 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension (2003). Pula: 2003. p. 450 ( p.)Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P. Electron beam degradation study of silicon polymers. In Proceedings of the 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy - European Extension (2003). Pula: 2003. p. 205 ( p.)Detail
NEDĚLA, V. Adaptation of Scanning Electron Microscope to Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope. In Proceedings of 9th conference and competition STUDENT EEICT 2003. Brno: 2003. p. 495 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2379-X.Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P., NEDĚLA, V., HORKÝ, D. Comparison of imaging with SE ionisation and BSE scintillation detector in ESEM. In Proceedings 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy. Pula: 2003. p. 487 ( p.)Detail
AUTRATA, R.; NEDĚLA, V.; HORKÝ, D. Influence of water environment on biological specimens imaging in ESEM. In Proceedings 6th Multinational Congress on Microscopy. Pula: 2003. p. 497 ( p.)Detail
AUTRATA, R., JIRÁK, J., SCHNEIDER, L. Usage of Segmental Ionization Detector at Environmental Conditions. 2003, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 142 ( p.)Detail
MAXA, J. Současný trend v oblasti CAx a PDM technologií. MM Průmyslové spektrum, 2003, roč. 2003, č. 6, s. 16 ( s.)ISSN: 1212-2572.Detail
AUTRATA, R., ROUBALÍKOVÁ, L., WANDROL, P., JIRÁK, J. Study of Surface Tooth Treatment using Low-Vacuum Scanning Electron Microscopy. 2003, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 428 ( p.)Detail
AUTRATA, R., SCHAUER, P. Cathodoluminescence study of silicon polymers. 2003, vol. 48, no. 5, p. 156 ( p.)ISSN: 0447-6411.Detail
AUTRATA, R., JIRÁK, J. Environmentální rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie. In Metody analýzy povrchů. Iontové, sondové a speciální metody. neuvedeno. Praha: Academia, 2002. s. 459 ( s.)ISBN: 80-200-0594-3.Detail
MAXA, J.; NEDĚLA, V. Selection of PDM Information System. Kaunas, Lithuania: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2007. p. 277-277.Detail
JIRÁK, J., AUTRATA, R., SCHNEIDER, L. Influence of primary electron energy on signal detection in environmental conditions. In Proceedings of 5th Multinational Congress on Electron Microscopy. Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Rinton Press, Inc., 2001. p. 525 ( p.)ISBN: 1-58949-003-7.Detail