Project detail
MISE- využití moderních inteligentních MEMS senzorů pro automatizaci a bezpečnost v budovách
Duration: 1.1.2012 — 31.12.2014
Funding resources
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR - TIP
Default language
People responsible
Bradáč Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Arm Jakub, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Franek Lešek, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Jirgl Miroslav, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Mišík Štefan, Ing. - fellow researcher
Šťastný Ladislav, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Department of Control and Instrumentation
- responsible department (1.1.2012 - not assigned)
Department of Control and Instrumentation
- beneficiary (1.1.2012 - not assigned)
HAVLÍKOVÁ, M.; JIRGL, M.; BRADÁČ, Z. Human Reliability in Man-Machine Systems. In 25th DAAAM International Symposium. Procedia Engineering. Vienna: Elsevier, 2014. p. 1207-1214. ISBN: 978-3-901509-99-5. ISSN: 1877-7058.
ŠŤASTNÝ, L.; FRANEK, L.; BRADÁČ, Z. Time synchronized low-voltage measurements for Smart Grids. In 25th DAAAM International Symposium. Procedia Engineering. Vienna: Elsevier, 2015. p. 1389-1395. ISBN: 978-3-901509-99-5. ISSN: 1877-7058.
JIRGL, M.; HAVLÍKOVÁ, M.; BRADÁČ, Z. The Dynamic Pilot Behavioral Models. In 25th DAAAM International Symposium. Procedia Engineering. Vienna: Elsevier, 2015. p. 1192-1197. ISBN: 978-3-901509-99-5. ISSN: 1877-7058.
FRANEK, L.; ŠŤASTNÝ, L.; BRADÁČ, Z. Modelling Transmission Lines for the Purpose of Data Transmission over Power Lines. In 25th DAAAM International Symposium. Procedia Engineering. Vienna: Elsevier, 2015. p. 1381-1388. ISBN: 978-3-901509-99-5. ISSN: 1877-7058.
JIRGL, M.; JALOVECKÝ, R. Modelling and Simulations of Longitudinal Flight. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics – Mechatronika 2014. 1. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014. p. 228-233. ISBN: 978-80-214-4817-9.
ŠŤASTNÝ, L.; BRADÁČ, Z. Basic time synchronization methods in Smart Grids. In Sborník příspěvků studentské konference Zvůle 2014. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2014. p. 77-79. ISBN: 978-80-214-5005-9.
KAŇA, Z.; BRADÁČ, Z.; FIEDLER, P. Personal Navigation Algorithms Based on Wireless Networks and Inertial Sensors. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2014, vol. 65, no. 4, p. 1-10. ISSN: 1335-3632.
HAVLÍKOVÁ, M.; ŠEDIVÁ, S.; STIBOR, K.; BRADÁČ, Z. A Driver as the Regulator in Man-Machine System. In Programmable devices and systems. Programmable devices and systems. Velké Karlovice: Elsevier B.V., 2013. p. 382-387. ISBN: 9783902823533. ISSN: 1474-6670.
BRADÁČ, Z.; JIRGL, M.; STIBOR, K.; HAVLÍKOVÁ, M. Reliability analysis of systems with a complex structure using Monte Carlo approach. In Programmable devices and systems. Programmable devices and systems. Velké Karlovice: Elsevier B.V., 2013. p. 213-218. ISBN: 9783902823533. ISSN: 1474-6670.
BRADÁČ, Z.; ZEZULKA, F.; MARCOŇ, P.; SZABÓ, Z.; STIBOR, K. Stabilisation of low voltage distribution networks with renewable energy sources. In Programmable devices and systems. Programmable devices and systems. Velké Karlovice: Elsevier B.V., 2013. p. 455-460. ISBN: 9783902823533. ISSN: 1474-6670.
Responsibility: Bradáč Zdeněk, doc. Ing., Ph.D.