Project detail
Duration: 1.6.2023 — 30.11.2026
Funding resources
Evropská unie - HORIZON EUROPE
On the project
Academics4Rail is an stable and durable scientific community that in an organized way can share and exchange scientific knowledge with ERJU and ERRAC. This knowledge is shared at different levels (strategic to concrete technical areas) and for different purposes. When it comes to the strategic level the scientific community intends to share knowledge with ERRAC and ERJU with the purpose of optimise the program for railway research providing insights of fund use, existing themes for research and scientific necessities for the future of European railways. It also supports the methodology of program assessment using KPIs and impact estimation towards the objectives set out in the ERJU masterplan. Finally, the scientific community shares its knowledge about necessities of future PhD funding with a relevant European and scientific weight. In a more concrete technological domain, the scientific community engages in specific themes creating 6 PhD positions that will enlarge the knowledge in 6 specific areas and will enable the cooperation of academia with industry. The areas are: PhD1 Aerodynamics of freight trains. PhD2 Electromagnetic compatibility. PhD3 Additive Manufacturing in wheel reprofiling. PhD4 Digital communications for virtual coupling. PhD5 Prognostics and health management approach for railway asset maintenance. PhD6 Driving assistance.
Scientific community for rail research, PhD, aerodynamics, electromagnetic compatibility, communications for Free keywords virtual coupling, driving assistance, assets maintenance, wheel reprofiling
Default language
People responsible
Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions
- responsible department (16.12.2022 - not assigned)
Institute of Railway Structures and Constructions
- beneficiary (16.12.2022 - not assigned)
VALEHRACH, J.; SVOBODA, R.; HRUZÍKOVÁ, M. Když cesta přestane být cestou. Prostor pro život. Brno: 2024. s. 124-131. ISBN: 978-80-214-6263-2.
Responsibility: Plášek Otto, doc. Ing., Ph.D.