Course detail
Diagnostics of the Bio- and Ecosystems
FEKT-MDBEAcad. year: 2018/2019
This course is focused on sensing principles of electrical signals generated by organism, sensing principles of the nonelectrical signals generated by organism, devices for operation rooms, devices for physiological research, devices for diagnostic laboratories (physical principles used for testing hearing, eye field of view, properties of muscles and for cardiovascular system).
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- formulate technical requirements on diagnostic instruments for specific application,
- list examples of instrumentation used in basic and specialized medical applications,
- describe principles of selected diagnostic methods and instrumentations in cardiology, audiometry, ophthalmology and neurology.
- define and discuss source of errors,
- assess suitability of given medical instrument for specific application.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Final exam: 0 - 80 points
Final exam composes of test part, which is focused on basic knowledge and terminology. Second part verify deeper understanding of selected part from medical diagnosis instrumentation.
Course curriculum
Block design of electrocardiograph.
Electromyography and electroneurography, conduction studies.
Electroencephalography - active/pasive electrodes, polygraphy, polysomnography, subdural EEG.
Eye anatomy and properties of vision.
Perimetry, intra-ocular pressure, EOG, ERG, eye ultrasound biometry, fundus camera.
Subjective and objective audiometry, otoacoustic emmission, tympanometry.
Spirometry, pneumotachography.
Invasive blood pressure monitoring. TIP catheters.
Spectrophotometry and its applications.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
CHMELAŘ, M. Řešené příklady z předmětu diagnostika bio a ekosystémů. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2011. s. 1-107. ISBN: 978-80-214-4361- 7.
Kline I. et al.: Handbook of Biomedical Engineering, Academic Press, San Diego 1988
Rozman, J. a kol. Elektronické přístroje v lékařství, Academia, 2006
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
ECG - properties and design.
EMG, ENG, conduction studies.
EEG - measurement, polygraphy, subdural EEG.
Principle and construction of systems for eye diagnostics: eye anatomy and properties, field of view, intra-eye pressure, EOG, ERG, eye ultrasound biometry, fundus camera, confocal microscope.
Diagnostics of hearing: subjective and objective audiometry, otoacoustic emmission, tympanometry.
Principle and construction of systems used for breathing mechanic diagnostics: spirometry, gass analysers, full body plethysmography.
Invasive blood pressure monitoring.
TIP catheter.
Spectrophotometry and its applications.
Blood sample analysis - blood cell counting, pH, cytometry, biosenzors.
Fundamentals seminar
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Design of stabilized voltage source.
3. Design of the input circuit of the alcohol tester with a fuel cell.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Detector of Korotkov's sound in LabView.
3. Detector of Korotkov's sound using analog electronic components.