Branch Details

Biomedical and Ecological Engineering

Original title in Czech: Biomedicínské a ekologické inženýrstvíFEKTAbbreviation: M1-BEIAcad. year: 2018/2019

Programme: Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 2.1.2002Accredited until: 31.7.2021


This branch of study aims to educate MSc graduates oriented towards the inter-disciplinary area of biomedical and ecological applications of electronics and cybernetics. The graduates are competent in theoretical and practical aspects of general electronic engineering and are familiar with the specifics of applications in biomedical, clinical and ecological engineering. Apart from general and specialized technical courses in the area of electronics and cybernetics, students complete a comprehensive set of biomedical and ecological courses taught by significant medical doctors, biophysics and environmentalists. Students acquire a profound knowledge of instrumentation and measurement technology, processing and analysis of measurement data, signals and images and also artificial intelligence applied in order to solve complex, fuzzy problems typical of humanities. Within specialized courses, students are introduced to diagnostic technology for medical and ecological applications, specialized imaging systems, therapeutic, prosthetic and laboratory technology, the principles of design of technical systems in health care, ecology and other non-technical disciplines. Moreover, they acquire user-oriented knowledge of the application of information systems in health care and ecology. Thanks to a broad scope of generally-applicable study ensuring high adaptability, graduates may assume positions in diverse areas of light-current electrical engineering, electronics and cybernetics. The inter-disciplinary character of the study and stays in clinical and ecological institutions facilitate efficient communication with medical and ecology specialists. In all these areas, the graduates can assume higher executive and management positions.

Key learning outcomes

A graduate gains wide, generally applicable knowledge of the area of instrumentation and measurement technology, processing of measurement data, signals and images, and also on artificial intelligence as applied to solving complex and fuzzy problems, typical for the humanities area. In the specialised courses, he will become acquinted with diagnostic technology for medical and ecological applications, with specialised imaging systems, with therapeutical, prothetical and laboratory technology, with the design principles of technical systems for health-care, environmetal and other non-technically oriented areas. He will also gain a solid user-oriented knowledge on information technology as used in health-care and environmental systems.
Owing to wide fundamentals ensuring high adaptability, the graduates of the brach can take jobs in different areas of electronics, instrumentation, cybernetics and applied informatics. Moreover, their interdisciplinary study and stays at clinical and ecological institutions enable them effective communication with medical and environmental specialists. They are able to apply and exploit effectively the modern computing, measuring and automation technology.
Graduates of the branch og biomedical and ecological engineering can utilise the obtained specialised knowledge namely when being employed in health-care institutions (hospitals, clinics, research institutes), in medical technology industry, and in institution, responsible for diagnosis and protection of environment. Nevertheless, the wide fundamentals of the study enable them to perform jobs even outside of the mentioned area, as electronics engineers oriented towards instrumentation, measurement and microprocessor technology and towards exploitation of information technology. In all of these branches they are capable of working also as higher technical managers.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Student acquire a broad generally-applicable knowledge of instrumentation and measurement technology, processing and analysis of measurement data, signals and images, and artificial intelligence applied in order to solve complex and fuzzy problems typical of humanities. Within specialized courses, students are introduced to diagnostic technology for medical and ecological applications, specialized imaging systems, therapeutic, prosthetic and laboratory technology, the principles of design of technical systems for health care, ecology and other non-technical disciplines.
Moreover, they acquire user-oriented knowledge of the application of information systems in health care and ecology. Thanks to a broad scope of generally-applicable study ensuring high adaptability, graduates may assume positions in diverse areas of light-current electrical engineering, electronics and cybernetics. The inter-disciplinary character of the study and stays in clinical and ecological institutions facilitate efficient communication with medical and ecology specialists. The graduates of biomedical and ecological engineering apply their specialized knowledge working in health care (hospitals, clinics, research institutes), in companies manufacturing medical technology, in institutions ensuring diagnostics and protection of the environment. A broad scope of study enables them to work also outside this area, as electronics engineers oriented towards instrumentation, measurement and microprocessor technology and information technology. In all these areas, the graduates may also assume executive and management positions.

Entry requirements

Conditions for admitting are a completed Bachelor degree education and successful completion of the admissions process.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MABDAnalysis and Interpretation of Biological Datacs5Compulsoryyes
MASOAnalysis of Signals and Imagescs5Compulsoryyes
MBCLHuman Biologycs5Compulsoryyes
MMIDModelling and Identificationcs5Optional specializedyes
MMOBBiological System Modellingcs4Optional specializedno
MUENIntroduction to Environmental Studiescs4Optional specializedyes
MPOAMicroprocessors with ARM Architecturecs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MFITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs2General knowledgeyes
XMW1Microsoft Windows Desktop Systemscs5General knowledgeyes
MEMEElectromechanical Systemsen, cs3General knowledgeno
MESIEmbedded Systems for Industrial Controlen, cs3General knowledgeyes
XEPLEPLAN - Designing in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeyes
XEPOProfessional Ethicscs2General knowledgeyes
XIPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didacticscs5General knowledgeyes
XLADLaboratory Didacticscs0General knowledgeyes
XMAUBookkeeping for Managerscs2General knowledgeyes
MMENMicroelectronics in Englishen, cs3General knowledgeyes
XLS2Special Activitycs, en2General knowledgeno
XPSOPedagogical Psychologycs5General knowledgeyes
MPSYPower Systemsen, cs3General knowledgeyes
MRETRhetoriccs2General knowledgeyes
XMW3Microsoft Windows Network Technologiescs5General knowledgeyes
MEFE1English for Lifeen2General knowledge91yes
MEFE2English for Lifeen2General knowledge91yes
XCA1CISCO Academy 1 - CCNAcs3General knowledge92yes
XCA3CISCO Academy 3 - CCNPcs3General knowledge92yes
XCA5CISCO Academy 5 - CCNPcs3General knowledge92yes
XKPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Textscs5General knowledge92yes
XPOUDouble-Entry Bookkeepingcs4General knowledge92yes
MBFYBiophysicscs5Theoretical subjectyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MDBEDiagnostics of the Bio- and Ecosystemscs5Compulsoryyes
MEKIEcological Engineeringcs5Compulsoryyes
MKZSTraditional Medical and Ecological Imaging Systemscs5Compulsoryyes
MKFLClinical Physiologycs4Compulsoryyes
MMZSAdvanced Methods of Signal Processingcs6Optional specializedyes
MZISMedical Information Systemscs5Optional specializedyes
MMBAMaterials for Biomedical Applicationscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MPKSComputer and Communication Networkscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MARCAdvanced Radio Communication Systems and Their Componentsen, cs3General knowledgeyes
MFITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs2General knowledgeyes
MEDSElements of Digital Signal and Image Processingen, cs3General knowledgeyes
MEFE1English for Lifeen2General knowledgeyes
MEFE2English for Lifeen2General knowledgeyes
XIPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didacticscs5General knowledgeyes
FKODCoding in Informaticscs5General knowledgeyes
XKPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Textscs5General knowledgeyes
XLADLaboratory Didacticscs0General knowledgeyes
XLS2Special Activitycs, en2General knowledgeno
XPSOPedagogical Psychologycs5General knowledgeyes
XMW4Microsoft Enterprise Solutionscs5General knowledgeno
XPOUDouble-Entry Bookkeepingcs4General knowledgeyes
XMW5Programming .NET and C#cs5General knowledgeyes
MPPMProperties and Production of Electrotechnic Materialsen, cs3General knowledgeyes
MRETRhetoriccs2General knowledgeyes
XMW2Microsoft Windows Server Systemscs5General knowledgeyes
MTOCTheory of Communicationen, cs3General knowledgeyes
XCA2CISCO Academy 2 - CCNAcs3General knowledge92yes
XCA4CISCO Academy 4 - CCNPcs3General knowledge92yes
XEPOProfessional Ethicscs2General knowledge92yes
XMAUBookkeeping for Managerscs2General knowledge92yes
XTPRTechnical Lawcs3General knowledge92yes
MMNMModern Numerical Methodscs5Theoretical subject93yes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
XJN2German for Lower-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
XJN3German for Intermediate Students Ics6General knowledgeno
XJN1German for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
XJR2Russian Pre-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
XJR1Russian for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
XJS2Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Studentscs6General knowledgeno
XJS1Spanish for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MM2BSemestral Thesis 2cs2Compulsoryyes
MALESpecial Devices for Healthcare and Ecologycs5Compulsoryyes
MTZSTomographic Imaging Systemscs5Compulsoryyes
MEALEvolution Algorithmscs5Optional specializedyes
MNPSDesign and Operation of Complex Systemscs4Optional specializedno
MPDGComputer-Aided Medical Diagnosticsen4Optional specializedyes
MSNVSensors of Non-Electric Quantitiescs6Optional interdisciplinaryno
MSPRDigital Signal Processorscs6Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XCA1CISCO Academy 1 - CCNAcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA3CISCO Academy 3 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA5CISCO Academy 5 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
MEFE1English for Lifeen2General knowledgeyes
MEFE2English for Lifeen2General knowledgeyes
XEPLEPLAN - Designing in Electrical Engineeringcs4General knowledgeyes
XEPOProfessional Ethicscs2General knowledgeyes
XIPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didacticscs5General knowledgeyes
XKPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Textscs5General knowledgeyes
XLADLaboratory Didacticscs0General knowledgeyes
XMAUBookkeeping for Managerscs2General knowledgeyes
XPSOPedagogical Psychologycs5General knowledgeyes
XPOUDouble-Entry Bookkeepingcs4General knowledgeyes
MRETRhetoriccs2General knowledgeyes
XMW3Microsoft Windows Network Technologiescs5General knowledgeyes
MFITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs2General knowledge92yes
MEMEElectromechanical Systemsen, cs3General knowledge92no
MESIEmbedded Systems for Industrial Controlen, cs3General knowledge92yes
MMENMicroelectronics in Englishen, cs3General knowledge92yes
XPOMManagement Minimumcs4General knowledge92yes
MPSYPower Systemsen, cs3General knowledge92yes
MPSOProbability, Statistics and Operations Researchcs5Theoretical subject93yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MMSBDiploma Thesiscs30Compulsoryyes
MXMBProfessional Practicecs0Compulsoryyes
MELBSafety in Electrical Engineeringcs2General knowledgeyes
XCA2CISCO Academy 2 - CCNAcs3General knowledgeyes
XCA4CISCO Academy 4 - CCNPcs3General knowledgeyes
MFITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs2General knowledgeyes
MEFE1English for Lifeen2General knowledgeyes
MEFE2English for Lifeen2General knowledgeyes
XEPOProfessional Ethicscs2General knowledgeyes
XIPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didacticscs5General knowledgeyes
XKPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Textscs5General knowledgeyes
XLADLaboratory Didacticscs0General knowledgeyes
XMAUBookkeeping for Managerscs2General knowledgeyes
XPSOPedagogical Psychologycs5General knowledgeyes
XMW4Microsoft Enterprise Solutionscs5General knowledgeno
XPOUDouble-Entry Bookkeepingcs4General knowledgeyes
XMW5Programming .NET and C#cs5General knowledgeyes
MRETRhetoriccs2General knowledgeyes
XTPRTechnical Lawcs3General knowledgeyes
MARCAdvanced Radio Communication Systems and Their Componentsen, cs3General knowledge92yes
MEDSElements of Digital Signal and Image Processingen, cs3General knowledge92yes
MPPMProperties and Production of Electrotechnic Materialsen, cs3General knowledge92yes
MTOCTheory of Communicationen, cs3General knowledge92yes
MMETBasics of Research Methodologycs2Theoretical subjectyes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
XJN2German for Lower-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
XJN3German for Intermediate Students Ics6General knowledgeno
XJN1German for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
XJR2Russian Pre-Intermediatecs6General knowledgeno
XJR1Russian for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
XJS2Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Studentscs6General knowledgeno
XJS1Spanish for Beginnerscs6General knowledgeno
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
91 2 MEFE1, MEFE2
93 1 - 2 MMNM, MPSO