Course detail
Computer-Aided Medical Diagnostics
FEKT-MPDGAcad. year: 2018/2019
The course is oriented ot the use of artifficial intelligence in medicine. It is focused on computer-aided medical diagnostics, principles of decision making in medicine, work with uncertainty in medical data, reasoning under uncertainty, principles of fuzzy representation of uncertain information, and structure of expert systems. Students will get experimental knowledgein programming of expert systems.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- describe basic methods of computer processing of biomedical data,
- explain fundamental terms of computer-aided medical diagnostics,
- describe principle of basic methods for probability decision-making,
- discus advantages and disadvantages of the methods,
- design simple expert systems,
- evaluate quality of decision-making methods based on defined requirements.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
up to 70 points from finel written exam
The exam is oriented to verification of orientation in terms of computer-aided medical diagnostics and ability to apply basic principles of decision-making in medicine.
Course curriculum
2. Probability inference in medicine, diagnostic tests.
3. Probability tests, quality of tests, Bayes theorem.
4. Pre-test and post-test probability, sensitivity and specificity, decision trees.
5. Knowledge representation, production rules.
6. Logic in knowledge representation, Venn diagrams, propositional logic.
7. Inference, modus ponens.
8. Proof of claim, resolution rule.
9. Examples of resolution.
10. Uncertainty and uncertain inference.
11. Fuzzy sets.
12. Fuzzy logic.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Krishnamoorthy, C. S., Rajeev, S.: Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for Engineers. CRC Press, 1996. (EN)
Nguyen, H. T., Walker, E. A.: A First Course in Fuzzy Logic. CRC Press, 1997. (EN)
Provazník, I., Kozumplík, J. Expertní systémy. Brno: VUTIUM, 1999. ISBN 8021414863 (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Principles of decision making in medicine, medical data, information, knowledge , metaknowledge, hypotheses, statistics in decision making, diagnosis intrepretation.
Uncertainty in medical data, reasoning under uncertainty, traditional Bayesian probability v. factors of uncertainty in medicine.
Measure of belief and disbelief in inference, similarity with human reasoning, principles of fuzzy representation of uncertain information.
Fuzzy numbers, fuzzy relations and fuzzy logic for CAMD.
Structure of expert systems, meaning of knowledge and facts, inference.
Representation of medical knowledge, production rules, decision trees.
Deductive logic and predicate logic in medical diagnostics.
Logic systems and resolution methods, forward and backward chaining of knowledge.
Programming of expert systems, fundamentals of CLIPS language, examples of design of expert systems in CLIPS.
Knowledge engineering, cooperation of a knowledge engineer and a medical expert in knowledge mining, priciples od expert system design.
Fuzzy rules in expert systems.
Inference composition rule in medical expert systems, defuzzification for diagnosis.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer