Course detail
Market Research
FP-ERBMREEAcad. year: 2018/2019
1. Introduction: The nature of research, types of research projects (research users, business and management research, research process)
2. Research strategy (market research, budget, timeline)
3.-4. Collecting primary data (Focus Groups, semi-structured and in-depth interviews, calls, questionnaires)
5.-6. Using secondary data (types of secondary data and uses in research, advantages and disadvantages of secondary data, evaluating secondary data sources)
7.-8. Analysing quantitative and qualitative data (introduction, describing data using statistics, using a computer for qualitative analysis)
9.-10. Writing and presenting a project report (structuring research project, organising the project report's content, meeting the assessment criteria, oral presentation of the report)
11.-12. Specific research application (business research, employee research, social research, media research, Mystery Shopping)
13. Market research (changing role of a researcher, online market research, Data Mining, Brain Science)
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Skills - student is able to plan his/her research, collect primary data, analyze and evaluate them with regard to the use of the specific activity of the business entity proposing appropriate research strategy
Competence - Student prepares a plan of market research (formulation of research questions, research techniques), analyzes the primary data obtained and draws conclusions relevant to the current situation of the business entity in the market. Based on the research results proposes strategic planning and targeting.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Required tasks:
1) max. 25 points => elaboration and submission of a team project. Team project is divided into individual parts – their assignment will be communicated within the 1st - 8th seminars with the submission deadline till the end of the 9th week of the semester
2) max. 15 points => presentation of the team project - presentations take place on 10th - 11th seminar, evaluation criteria are fulfillment of the assignment presentation time and response to queries of the opposing team
3) max. 10 points => elaboration and presentation of the opponent's report - evaluation of the fulfillment of the assignment and relevance of the questions posed to the presenting team, submission of the opinion by the end of the 10th week, presentation of relevant queries against the presenting team on 11th - 12th seminar
Optional task
4) max 50 points => multiple choice test on the 13th seminar, it will last up to 45 minutes, it contains 20 multiple choice questions, where the only one is correct (10x 3-point-questions and 10x 2-point-questions, incorrect answers or blank questions are not penalized).
Course curriculum
2. Research strategy (market research, budget, timeline)
3.-4. Collecting primary data (Focus Groups, semi-structured and in-depth interviews, calls, questionnaires)
5.-6. Using secondary data (types of secondary data and uses in research, advantages and disadvantages of secondary data, evaluating secondary data sources)
7.-8. Analysing quantitative and qualitative data (introduction, describing data using statistics, using a computer for qualitative analysis)
9.-10. Writing and presenting a project report (structuring research project, organising the project report's content, meeting the assessment criteria, oral presentation of the report)
11.-12. Specific research application (business research, employee research, social research, media research, Mystery Shopping)
13. Market research (changing role of a researcher, online market research, Data Mining, Brain Science)
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
SAUNDERS, Mark, Philip LEWIS a Adrian THORNHILL. Research methods for business students. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2009. ISBN 9780273716860.
Recommended reading
PAUL HAGUE, Nick Hague. Market Research in Practice a Guide to the Basics. London: Kogan Page, 2004. ISBN 978-074-9445-942.
ROE, Michael. Market research in action. London [u.a.]: Thomson Learning, 2004. ISBN 978-186-1529-381.
XU, Jie. Market Research Handbook: Measurement, Approach and Practice. Lincoln: IUniverse, 2005. ISBN 978-059-5364-015.
Classification of course in study plans