Course detail

Rating and Valuation

FP-FropKAcad. year: 2018/2019

The course focuses on the following topics:
• Rating and its legal treatment, trends in development
• Methods for valuation of a business.
• Strategic analysis for business valuation
• Identification of value drivers
• Practical application of the income capitalization approach

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits

Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Knowledge: Students can describe the regulation of ratings, procedures of business valuation as well as current problems associated with the use of ratings. They know the postulates for using of methods for estimation of the business value as well as their limits.
Skills: On the basis of strategic analyses, including financial analyses, students can quantify the most important value drivers. They can recommend an appropriate method for business valuation and in a simplified way to estimate the value of business. They are able to discuss the postulates for the applicability of every valuation method.
Abilities: Students are able to apply valuation methods, to work out the draft of business value, and also identify the factors that increase the value of a business as well as those that threaten it. They are able to model the impacts of strategic decisions on the business value.


A knowledge of methods of financial planning, models for determining the cost of capital and time series analysis methods and their use in predicting future sales are required for the study of this course. A knowledge of work with MS Excel at a higher level and an ability to find relevant data are expected.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is focused on the explanation of the main principles and presentation of the decision problems as well solution of model situation.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Students will be assessed on the basis of an independent piece of work focussed on valuation of a business and its defence, including verification of theoretical knowledge. In the resulting assessment of the course the assessment of the independent piece of work has a 70% share, in which work is acceptable that fulfils the requirements to a level of at least 50%.

Course curriculum

Investment and business ratings. Credit Rating Agencies (CRA).
Testing the predictive capacity of financial ratio indicators. Scoring’s models of bankruptcy prediction.
Methodological procedures for ratings of a company estimation and business valuation.
Income capitalization approach to valuing the business.
Strategic analysis for the purpose of business valuation. A draft of financial plan
Discount rate for business valuation.
Assignment of business valuation of a specific entity in pairs:
• Strategic and financial analysis of the company.
• Analysis of value generators.
• Financial plan. Determination of discount rate.
• Draft of the business value (the discounted cash flow method).
• The sensitivity of valuation to changes in value drivers, discussion the results.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The main objective of the course is:
To present students with approaches to the creation of default models (scoring models), the importance of ratings and how they are regulated and the procedure for creating investment ratings.
To acquaint students with current procedures for business valuation. The course is also focused on the strategic analysis of a business, especially from the perspective of estimation of value drivers, on methods for developing financial plans and the creation of computer models and the application of methods for business value estimation.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Control of results of independent work on assigned tasks.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

MAŘÍK, M. a kol. Metody oceňování podniku:proces ocenění,základní metody a postupy. 2018, 551 s.. Praha: Ekopress, ISBN 978-80-87865-38-5. (CS)
VINŠ, P. a LIŠKA, V. Rating. Praha: C.H.Beck, 2005. ISBN 80-7179-807-X.

Recommended reading

McKINSEY & COMPANY, KOLLER, T., GOEDHART, M., WESSELS, D. (2005) Measuring and Managing th Value of Companies. 4th Editon (University Edition). New Jersey: Wiley. 742 p. ISBN 978-0-471-70221-4.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme MGR-KS Master's

    branch MGR-UFRP-KS , 2 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit


Guided consultation in combined form of studies

16 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Investment and business ratings. Credit Rating Agencies (CRA).
Business valuation. Income capitalization approach to valuing a company.
Strategic analysis for the purpose of business valuation. Identification of value drivers
Financial plan. Discount rate for business valuation.
Draft of the business value (the discounted cash flow method).