Course detail
Forensic Ecotechnics, Forest and Wood Species
ÚSI-1RDFEAcad. year: 2018/2019
The subject is aimed at issues of relevant relationships and connections of real expert objects in the complex of forest-trees-man.
Content targeting: the forest - biological organism; the development of relation of man and forest; trees - basic identification; the main criteria for assessing trees; forestry disciplines (forest establishment, forest tending, forest protection and regeneration of forest); forest valuation, forest stand, non-forest stand and ornamental trees; fees and expenses; legal legislation on the subject.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. System identification and assessment of conditions and structures of the expert object - with emphasis on forest and trees; FEld systemic methodology
3. Typologically united part of expert opinion in relevant fields
4. Forest - biological organism: what a forest is; developing relationship between man and forest; example in the part of the Šumava region
5. Forest ecosystem - the diversity of forest and signs of vegetation; Forensic
ecotechnics: forest and trees - a system approach to the solution
6. Basic forestry disciplines in a holistic concept of forest - brief review; Basic principles of forest management - forest maps; FEld and linkage to the European Union - from the perspective of the needs of the expert
7. Trees (set of mostly tree taxa) - important component of forest and permanent diffused green in urban and outdoor (free) landscape; tree taxa (requirements for knowledge, basic identification, distinguishing features)
8. Nomenclature; morphology, physiology (variability, biological and ecological requirements); trees in anthropogenic ecosystems
9. Method of contact vegetation valuation „CFA“; Special visual diagnostic methodology; Reduction factor RKFA
10. Safety diagnostics: symptoms, defects and deviations in growth and structure of wood
affecting stability; individual tree, identification and evaluation of the risks of its failure - chronic risks from the point of view of human factor and forest ecosystem
11. Valuation - valuation of forest: valuation of natural resources; forest particularities; Forest valuation theory; basic inputs for the valuation; Applied Forest valuation
12. Problems of determination of the level of damage to forest; valuation of non-productive functions of forest; assessment and valuation of biotopes; ecological damage
13. Valuation - valuation of trees and their stands on non-forest land: valuation of ornamental plants (trees); memorial trees; determination of the age of trees growing outside the forest (of generative, vegetative origin); International valuation standards IVS/EVS
14. Literature
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Alexandr, P. – Roček, I. (1991): Technika a technologie výroby lesních štěpek. VŠZ Praha a Ústav aplikované ekologie a ekotechniky. 1991. 132 stran.
Alexandr, P.: Forenzní ekotechnika: les a dřeviny. Vybrané části kapitol 1. (část), 2. (část), 3. (část) a kompletní kapitola 7. Přednáška, specializační studium technického znalectví v oboru „Oceňování nemovitostí 37/N. VÚT v Brně – Ústav soudního inženýrství. Prosinec 2007.75 stran.
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
E-learning texts
Forenzní ekotechnika.pdf 1.06 MB