Course detail
Access and Transport Networks
FEKT-BPC-PTSAcad. year: 2019/2020
The subject deals with the evolution of telecommunication networks and their convergence with computer networks. The stress is placed on modern analysis of access and transport networks while considering their diversity and also concurrent features together with the application of analogue and digital modulations. Primary attention is given to the complex usage of an E1 frame by ITU G.703 recommendation. Students obtain a view of the private and public telephony exchanges, they understand the principles of digital switches, of the current signalling system SS7 and of the SIP internet exchange. Out of print will specificity of measuring in converged networks. Basic attention will devoted to higher order digital systems, to protection of transport networks and to quality evaluation.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- differentiate between the relationship of access and transport networks and their facilities solution,
- apply analogue and digital modulations,
- explain the terms sampling, quantization and coding,
- discuss sampling theorem,
- explain the E1frame,
- express the spectrum of sampling signal,
- measure active network elements,
- set SIP exchange and digital transmission equipment,
- take one's bearings in higher order systems
- evaluate the development of converged networks
- demonstrate the principles of circuit switching,
- interpret the principles of packet switching,
- enumerate the possibilities of separating communication channels,
- express the idea of A/D and D/A conversion,
- discuss elemental terms of the signal processing area,
- apply the basic principles and protocols of the Ethernet network.
Students should have the basic knowledge of communication systems, which they obtained in the obligatory courses in their previous study.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
0-10 points - written test in laboratory (optional part),
0-10 points individual project
0-70 points - written exam with e-learning support, compulsory part for course completion.
Exam is focused on verifying the orientation of access and transport networks, detailed analysis of digital transmission on frame E1 base, convergence understanding
Course curriculum
2. Standardization organizations, ISO, ITU, ETSI, Forums, RFC documents
3. Time division multiplexing and digital modulations, PCM, ADM, ADPCM and others
4. Encoders and decoders PCM, compandors, compression advantage, A and mí low characteristics
5. Structure of frame and multiframe E1, Recommendation ITU G 703.
6. Access and Transport Networks, definitions, new knowledge of convergence
7. Switching systems, exchanges, digital switching array, signalling, SIP telephone exchange, software equipment
8. Transmitted signal, link codes, synchronization of digital systems
9. Analysis of total distortion, quantizing and limiting distortion, spectrum of sampling signal
10. Measuring in converged systems, BER measuring, delay and jitter measuring, SW analysis
11. Higher order digital systems, SDH multiplexing structure, frame structure, integrating
12. Transport networks protection, quality evaluation
13. Advanced converged networks development
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
ŠKORPIL, V.: Přístupové a transportní sítě. VUT, Brno 2013.
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BPC-IBE Bachelor's 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme BPC-TLI Bachelor's 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
- Programme BPC-AMT Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
- Programme BPC-SEE Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
- Programme BPC-ECT Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
- Programme BPC-AUD Bachelor's
specialization AUDB-ZVUK , 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
specialization AUDB-TECH , 0 year of study, winter semester, elective - Programme BPC-MET Bachelor's 0 year of study, winter semester, elective
- Programme EEKR-CZV lifelong learning
branch EE-FLE , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Access networks. Definition and function of access network. Architecture of access network. Level of access network. Optical access networks. local networks LAN, topology of LAN, LAN standards, technology Token Ring.
3. Transport networks. Definition and function of transport network, architecture of transport network, data transmission in transport network, security of data transport on transport network. wide networks WAN, networks Frame Relay.
4. Telephony exchanges. Operating system, operational load. Main operational hour, losses. Digital switching area, multiplexing, one-part and multi-part switching areas.
5. Digital switches S and T. Controlling and signalization in digital exchanges. System SS7. Systems EWSD and S12. Internet SIP exchange.
6. Transmission systems. Encoders and decoders PCM, A/D, D/A converters. Compandors and non-linear encoders, mí-low characteristic, A-low characteristic. Link codes. Recommendation ITU-T G.703, frame and multi-frame of 1st order system - E1. Transmission equipment PCM 30U and PCM 30U- OCH.
7. Analysis of total distortion at access and transport networks. Distortion allocation. Simplified calculation of Attenuation of quantizing distortion. Peak limiting for harmonic and noise signal. Analysis of sampling signal spectrum, spectrum for PAM 1st order and 2nd order.
8. Measuring at digital transmission systems. Analyser and generator of PCM signal, generator of pseudo-random sequence. Modern analysators. Check of digital signal step by step - BER measuring. Measuring of quantizing distortion, jitter measuring, residual attenuation measuring. ¨
9. Higher order digital systems. Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy - PDH, Synchronous Digital Hierarchy - SDH, termino
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Active network elements measuring
3. PCM encoding (BT)
4. Modulation at access networks (ST)
5. Link code at TIMS system
6. SP telephone exchange configuration
7. Basic configuration of access router
8. Sampling and signal reconstruction (ST)
9. Measuring of E1 transmission equipment
10.PCM30U-CH equipment configuration