Course detail
Interconnection and Assembly Technology
FEKT-MMOTAcad. year: 2019/2020
Subject deals with nterconnection technology and assembly techniques with following topics.
Interconnection technology, methods, properties. Levels of interconnection. Organic and inorganic substrates. Technology steps in interconnection structures production. High density interconnection (HDI). Microvia.
Technology of assembled interconnection structures. Surface Mount Technology (SMT). Types of package and basic of manipulation. Solder pastes, adhesives, fluxes and their application. Adhesives and technology of adhesive joint. Soldering processes and technology of soldering and cleaning. Strategy of testing. Defects in interconnection structures and their causes.
Optimization of production process.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
define basic principles from assembly and inteconnection techniques, explain levels of interconnection
describe sorts and explain methods of assembled joint realisation. Describe and explain factors influencing quality of assembled joint
explain technology procedure of multilayer PCB with microvia. Describe and explain individual production step
explain mechanism of adhesion joint, properties and types of physically hardened and chemically cured adhesives
explain mechanism of solder joint, solder joint requirements, soldering techniques, diferences between tin/lead and lead free solder joint. Explain chemistry and cleaning techniques of PCBś and assembled PCBś
technology analysis of PCB - student is able to choose compatible technology process of PCB realisation, process of components assembly and PCB material
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Examination is oriented to evaluation of received knowledges from interconnection and assembly technology topics and in practical orientation technology analysis of real assembled PCB. Student in this analysis demonstrates ability to choose conforming technology procedure of components assembly and of PCB realisation (step by step) including guestions of applied material.
Requirements for completion of a course are specified by a regulation issued by the lecturer responsible for the course and updated for every year.
Course curriculum
2. Interconnection structures, types. Subtractive, semiaditive and aditive methods of production interconnecton structures. PCBś production - main orientation. Base steps in PCBś production. Technology procedure of single, double and multilayer PCB.
3. Interconnection structures with microvia, SBU methods. PCBś assembly - through hole technology (THT) and surface mount technology (SMT), mixed. Technology procedures. Latest trends in SMT.
4. "Chemistry in assembly" and correct application in process /solder paste, solder alloy, flux, adhesive, conformal coating, packaging material/
5. Interconnection 1-st level, bonding techniques, packaging. (Szendiuch/Starý 2 hrs)
6. Surface mount devices (SMDś), packages, properties, type of leads, IC packages, passive components, elektromechanical devices, BGA packages, construction. (Šandera) (2 hrs.)
7. Adhesives I.
8. Adhesives II Application techniques, screen/stencil printing, dispensing/. Basic for quality in printing, factors.
9. Soldering, solder joint, requirements for solder joint. Soldered joint vs. welded joint vs. joint realised with adhesive - comparison. Methods of soldering. Requirements for quality of placement and soldering acc. to IPC A 610 rev. E.
10. Solder joint reliability. Lead free vs. lead soldering. Wave soldering (mass), nitrogen atmosphere infuence. Manual soldering, principles, soldering tips maintenance. Reflow soldering, methods, forced convection and nitrogen atmosphere influence.Temperature profile measurememts. Thermal management of PCB.
11. Cleaning techniques. Cleaning medias, microemulsion. PCB contamination, measuring. Flux residues and defects.
12. Mechanically realised connections, types, properties.
13. Quality control, methods. Testing of assembled and non-assembled PCBś. Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI). SPI. Statistical tools for quality testing and improvement.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Normy ANSI/IPC-A-610 rev. E, rev F, The Institute for Electronic and Packaging Electronic Circuits, USA, ANSI/IPC-CM-770C a ANSI/IPC-SM-782 a normy ČSN EN dle doporučení (CS)
Starý,J.,Šandera,J.,Kahle P.:Plošné spoje a povrchová montáž, PC DIR-REAL Brno, 1999 (CS)
Wassink, R. J. K.:Manufacturing Techniques for Surface Mounted Assemblies,Electrochemical Publications Ltd, GB 1995 (EN)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Organic base materials, electrical, mechanical and temperature properties. Trends in base materialsand requiremence. Inorganic base materials, their properties and comparison with organic ones.
Interconnection structures, sorting. Subtractive, semiadditive and additive methods. Trends
Technology procedures of single-layer, double layer and multi-layer PCB, Molded interconnect devices (MID). Microvia. Technology possibilities and trend.
Through Hole Technology (THT), Surface Mounted Technology (SMT) and combined THT and SMT. Technology procedures. Trend in SMT.
Solder pastes. solder alloys, adhesives, fluxes, conformal coatings and encapsulants
Application technology /screen and stencil printing, dispense/. Population of SMD, pick and place machines, principles, methods of component centering.
Surface Mounted Devices (SMD), properties and packaging, component leads, IC packages, passive components, electromechanical devices, Ball Grid Array (BGA), construction.
Soldering, methds of soldering, solder joint and solder joint reliability. Vawe soldering techniques, nitrogen atmosphere influence. Manual soldering, principles. <>Reflow soldering, methods, forced concection and nitrogen atmosphere influence. Temperature profiling. Strategy of testing. Testing of assembled and non assembled PCB. Quality control. Methods.
PCB repairs, contact and contactless methods for components disassembly and assembly. Principles and techniques for repairing. Requirements for PCB according třo IPC and Czech standards, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
Reliability in assembly process ond main factors.
Defects in interconnection structures and their causes.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Prototype production process of double - layer PCB in BUNGARD/PROTOCAD line
Surface Mount Technology - printing/dispensing of solder paste/adhesive, program preparing for semiautomatic machine, pick and place with semiautomatic machine, reflow soldering, quality control
Requirements for quality of SMD placement and soldering
Contact/contactless method for assembly/disassembly SMD
Types of packages, component marking, ESD (interactive PC educational program) <>