Branch Details
Electrical Manufacturing and Materials Engineering
Original title in Czech: Elektrotechnická výroba a materiálové inženýrstvíFEKTAbbreviation: M1-EVMAcad. year: 2019/2020
Programme: Electrical, Electronic, Communication and Control Technology
Length of Study: 2 years
Accredited from: 2.1.2002Accredited until: 31.7.2021
The study area “Electrotechnical Manufacturing and Management” (M-EVM) in the master’s degree programme “Electronic, Electrical, Communication and Control Technology” (EEKR) at FEEC BUT aims to educate MSc graduates for the field of electrical engineering who can assume not only executive and management positions, but also creative positions in research and development. Electrical engineering industry utilises a variety of production technologies ranging from procedures used for large-sized objects, to specialized procedures used for miniaturised objects and quite unique technologies which are about to overcome physical limitations. The wide spectrum of procedures offers numerous possibilities of their application and economic appraisal.
The major objective of this branch of study is to prepare graduates able to deal with challenging technical problems in electrotechnical manufacturing, also in economic connotations with respect to quality and ecology of production. The study in this branch of the master’s degree programme can be commenced only after students have successfully completed the bachelor’s degree programme and passed the bachelor’s final state examination, preferably in a programme oriented towards electrical engineering, information technology and economics.
Instruction is ensured primarily by the Department of Electrotechnology (UETE) at FEEC BUT. Students’ knowledge is expanded within technical courses oriented towards electronic and electrical engineering, electronic and electrotechnical appliances and devices, design in CAD systems, materials in electrical engineering, production processes and their control, diagnostics, testing, reliability and quality control, production planning, logistics and ecology with a considerable share of knowledge in the area of economics, management and marketing. The composition of courses enables students to specialize in the field of electronic and electrotechnical production. Theoretical knowledge is increased in courses within theoretical extension in higher Mathematics, Physics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering. In order to broaden their knowledge, students also choose optional courses from other branches of the master’s degree programme EEKR at FEEC BUT, and also language and general knowledge courses. Selected courses in economics, management and marketing are taught by pedagogues from the Faculty of Business and Management, BUT.
Key learning outcomes
Graduates of the branch have fundamental engineering knowledge and skill in many branches of electrical engineering like computer technique, information and control systems, automation and measuring technique and extensive knowledge and skill in the spheres of computer aided design systems, designing of electronic elements and their application, design and production of printed circuit boards, surface mounting, in the spheres of development and design of electrotechnical products, production processes, technology and materials for electrotechnics, diagnostics, quality control and ecological relations. They gain fundamental knowledge in the spheres of economy, management and marketing. Graduates are able, according to their closer profile in special subjects, to solve independently sophisticated tasks focused not only on development, design and realization of electronic and electrotechnical production but also on tasks connected with projecting and logistic ensuring of production, diagnostics and testing, quality control and reliability of products and with ecology of production processes. Knowledge in the spheres of economy, management and marketing enable them to be oriented also in problems of control of production and its economic evaluation.
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples
The branch profiles graduates to independent creative and control work in the spheres of electronic and electrotechnical technology and production. Graduates of the studies will find posts in electrotechnical practice, in creative work, research and development in production, in managing functions in electrotechnical firms and companies or they can continue in PhD programme of studies. In the sphere of electrotechnical production they will find posts everywhere in plants where general knowledge of various branches of electrical engineering, computer technique, information and control systems, microelectronics, automation and measuring technique and further specialized, knowledge in the spheres like modern computer aided design systems, electronic parts and elements, production processes and technology, materials for electrotechnical industry, quality control, projecting of production, ecology of production processes and fundamentals of technical and economic preparation and control of production are required.
Entry requirements
Conditions for admitting are a completed Bachelor degree education and successful completion of the admissions process.
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
MMAE | Macroeconomics | cs | 5 | Compulsory | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
MMOT | Interconnection and Assembly Technology | cs | 4 | Compulsory | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / L - 8 / O - 5 | yes | |
MSVM | Structure and Properties of Materials | cs | 6 | Compulsory | Cr,Ex | P - 39 / COZ - 12 / L - 14 | yes | |
MOZE | Reenable Energy Sources | cs, en | 5 | Optional specialized | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / L - 26 | yes | |
MPNS | Computer Systems for Projects | cs | 5 | Optional specialized | Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 22 / O - 4 | yes | |
MTMS | 3D Modeling | cs | 4 | Optional specialized | Ex | P - 13 / Cp - 26 | yes | |
MFIT | History and Philosophy of Technology | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XMW1 | Microsoft Windows Desktop Systems | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 26 | yes | |
MEME | Electromechanical Systems | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | no | |
MESI | Embedded Systems for Industrial Control | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XEPL | EPLAN - Designing in Electrical Engineering | cs | 4 | General knowledge | GCr | Cp - 52 / Cp - 52 | yes | |
XEPO | Professional Ethics | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XIPD | Engineering Pedagogy and Didactics | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XKPT | Culture of Speech and the Generation of Texts | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 / COZ - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
XLAD | Laboratory Didactics | cs | 0 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 | yes | |
MMEN | Microelectronics in English | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XLS2 | Special Activity | cs, en | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | no | ||
XPSO | Pedagogical Psychology | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XPOU | Double-Entry Bookkeeping | cs | 4 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / COZ - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
MPSY | Power Systems | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
MRET | Rhetoric | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XMW3 | Microsoft Windows Network Technologies | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | Cp - 52 / Cp - 52 | no | |
MEFE2 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | 91 | yes |
MEFE1 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | GCr | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | 91 | yes |
XCA1 | CISCO Academy 1 - CCNA | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / L - 52 / L - 52 | 92 | yes |
XCA3 | CISCO Academy 3 - CCNP | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 / L - 52 | 92 | yes |
XCA5 | CISCO Academy 5 - CCNP | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 / L - 52 | 92 | yes |
XMAU | Bookkeeping for Managers | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 / COZ - 13 / COZ - 13 | 92 | yes |
MDRE | Differential Equations in Electrical Engineering | cs | 5 | Theoretical subject | Cr,Ex | P - 39 / CPP - 13 | 11 | yes |
MPSO | Probability, Statistics and Operations Research | cs | 5 | Theoretical subject | Ex | P - 26 / CPP - 24 / O - 2 | 11 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
MMKG | Marketing | cs | 5 | Compulsory | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
MVYP | Production Processes | cs | 6 | Compulsory | Ex | P - 39 / COZ - 12 / L - 6 / O - 8 | yes | |
MZSE | Fundamentals of Reliability in Electrical Engineering | cs | 5 | Compulsory | Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 18 / L - 4 / O - 4 | yes | |
MAZE | Alternative Energy Sources | cs | 5 | Optional specialized | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / L - 26 | no | |
MKLM | Climatotechnology in Electrical Engineering | cs | 5 | Optional specialized | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / COZ - 8 / Cp - 4 / L - 8 / O - 6 | yes | |
MMBA | Materials for Biomedical Applications | cs | 5 | Optional specialized | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / L - 26 | yes | |
MRSD | Control and Data Administration | cs | 4 | Optional specialized | Ex | P - 13 / Cp - 26 | yes | |
MAIO | Analogue Integrated Circuits | cs | 6 | Optional interdisciplinary | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 39 | yes | |
MDIS | Digital Integrated Circuits | cs | 5 | Optional interdisciplinary | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 13 / L - 13 | yes | |
MEIC | Electrical Installations | cs | 5 | Optional interdisciplinary | GCr | P - 26 / L - 22 / O - 4 | yes | |
MARC | Advanced Radio Communication Systems and Their Components | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | no | |
XCAS | CISCO Academy - CCNA | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 | yes | |
MEDS | Elements of Digital Signal and Image Processing | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
MEFE1 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | GCr | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | yes | |
MEFE2 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | yes | |
XEPO | Professional Ethics | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XIPD | Engineering Pedagogy and Didactics | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XKPT | Culture of Speech and the Generation of Texts | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 39 / P - 39 / COZ - 13 / COZ - 13 | yes | |
XLAD | Laboratory Didactics | cs | 0 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 | yes | |
XMAU | Bookkeeping for Managers | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 / COZ - 13 / COZ - 13 | yes | |
XLS2 | Special Activity | cs, en | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | no | ||
XPSO | Pedagogical Psychology | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XMW4 | Microsoft Enterprise Solutions | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / Cp - 26 / Cp - 26 | no | |
XPOU | Double-Entry Bookkeeping | cs | 4 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / COZ - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
XMW5 | Programming .NET and C# | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / Cp - 26 / Cp - 26 | yes | |
MPPM | Properties and Production of Electrotechnic Materials | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
MRET | Rhetoric | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XMW2 | Microsoft Windows Server Systems | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 26 | yes | |
XTPR | Technical Law | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 39 / P - 39 | yes | |
MTOC | Theory of Communication | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XCA2 | CISCO Academy 2 - CCNA | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / L - 52 / L - 52 | 92 | yes |
XCA4 | CISCO Academy 4 - CCNP | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 / L - 52 | 92 | yes |
MFIT | History and Philosophy of Technology | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
MNAN | Nanotechnology | cs | 5 | Theoretical subject | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 6 / L - 7 / O - 13 | yes | |
MNDD | Non-Destructive Diagnostics and Physics of Dielectrics | cs | 5 | Theoretical subject | Ex | P - 26 / COZ - 13 / L - 13 | yes | |
MMAT | Matrices and Tensors Calculus | cs | 5 | Theoretical subject | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / CPP - 18 / O - 8 | 11 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
XJN2 | German for Lower-Intermediate | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJN3 | German for Intermediate Students I | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJN1 | German for Beginners | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJR2 | Russian Pre-Intermediate | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJR1 | Russian for Beginners | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJS2 | Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Students | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJS1 | Spanish for Beginners | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
MDME | Diagnostic Methods in Electroengineering | cs | 6 | Compulsory | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / L - 39 | yes | |
MPMA | Company Management | cs | 5 | Compulsory | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
MM2V | Semestral Thesis 2 | cs | 2 | Compulsory | GCr | K - 26 | yes | |
MEKV | Ecology in Manufacturing | cs | 5 | Optional specialized | Ex | P - 39 / COZ - 9 / O - 4 | no | |
MSAJ | Reliability and Quality | cs | 5 | Optional specialized | Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 18 / L - 4 / O - 4 | yes | |
MTPL | Technological Projecting and Logistic | cs | 6 | Optional specialized | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / COZ - 39 | yes | |
MVSK | Electronic Components Production | cs | 6 | Optional specialized | Ex | P - 39 / L - 26 | yes | |
MMZE | Low Power Electrical Sources | cs | 5 | Optional interdisciplinary | Cr,Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 6 / L - 20 | yes | |
MPRI | Project Management of Innovation | cs | 6 | Optional interdisciplinary | Ex | P - 26 / Cp - 26 / O - 13 | yes | |
MVAF | Vacuum Technology | cs | 4 | Optional interdisciplinary | Ex | P - 13 / COZ - 12 / L - 14 | yes | |
XCA1 | CISCO Academy 1 - CCNA | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / L - 52 / L - 52 | yes | |
XCA3 | CISCO Academy 3 - CCNP | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 / L - 52 | yes | |
XCA5 | CISCO Academy 5 - CCNP | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 / L - 52 | yes | |
MFIT | History and Philosophy of Technology | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
MEFE1 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | GCr | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | yes | |
MEFE2 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | yes | |
XEPL | EPLAN - Designing in Electrical Engineering | cs | 4 | General knowledge | GCr | Cp - 52 / Cp - 52 | yes | |
XEPO | Professional Ethics | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XIPD | Engineering Pedagogy and Didactics | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XKPT | Culture of Speech and the Generation of Texts | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 / COZ - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
XLAD | Laboratory Didactics | cs | 0 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 | yes | |
XMAU | Bookkeeping for Managers | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 / COZ - 13 / COZ - 13 | yes | |
XPSO | Pedagogical Psychology | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XPOU | Double-Entry Bookkeeping | cs | 4 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / COZ - 26 / COZ - 26 | yes | |
MRET | Rhetoric | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
XMW3 | Microsoft Windows Network Technologies | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | Cp - 52 / Cp - 52 | no | |
MEME | Electromechanical Systems | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | no |
MESI | Embedded Systems for Industrial Control | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
MMEN | Microelectronics in English | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
XPOM | Management Minimum | cs | 4 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / COZ - 26 | 92 | yes |
MPSY | Power Systems | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
MMSV | Diploma Thesis | cs | 30 | Compulsory | Cr | VD - 52 | yes | |
MXMV | Professional Practice | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Cr | PX - 80 | no | |
MELB | Safety in Electrical Engineering | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 | yes | |
XCA2 | CISCO Academy 2 - CCNA | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / L - 52 / L - 52 | yes | |
XCA4 | CISCO Academy 4 - CCNP | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Ex | L - 52 / L - 52 | yes | |
MFIT | History and Philosophy of Technology | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
MEFE2 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | yes | |
MEFE1 | English for Life | en | 2 | General knowledge | GCr | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | yes | |
XIPD | Engineering Pedagogy and Didactics | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XLAD | Laboratory Didactics | cs | 0 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 | yes | |
XMAU | Bookkeeping for Managers | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 13 / P - 13 / COZ - 13 / COZ - 13 | yes | |
XPSO | Pedagogical Psychology | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 52 / P - 52 | yes | |
XMW4 | Microsoft Enterprise Solutions | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / Cp - 26 / Cp - 26 | no | |
XMW5 | Programming .NET and C# | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / Cp - 26 / Cp - 26 | yes | |
MRET | Rhetoric | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | yes | |
MARC | Advanced Radio Communication Systems and Their Components | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | no |
MEDS | Elements of Digital Signal and Image Processing | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
XEPO | Professional Ethics | cs | 2 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
XKPT | Culture of Speech and the Generation of Texts | cs | 5 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 39 / P - 39 / COZ - 13 / COZ - 13 | 92 | yes |
XPOU | Double-Entry Bookkeeping | cs | 4 | General knowledge | Ex | P - 26 / P - 26 / COZ - 26 / COZ - 26 | 92 | yes |
MPPM | Properties and Production of Electrotechnic Materials | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
XTPR | Technical Law | cs | 3 | General knowledge | Cr | P - 39 / P - 39 | 92 | yes |
MTOC | Theory of Communication | en, cs | 3 | General knowledge | GCr | P - 26 / P - 26 | 92 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
XJN2 | German for Lower-Intermediate | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJN3 | German for Intermediate Students I | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJN1 | German for Beginners | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJR2 | Russian Pre-Intermediate | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJR1 | Russian for Beginners | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJS2 | Spanish for Lower-Intermediate Students | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no | |
XJS1 | Spanish for Beginners | cs | 6 | General knowledge | Cr,Ex | Cj - 26 / Cj - 26 | no |
All the groups of optional courses | ||
Gr. | Number of courses | Courses |
11 | 1 - 3 | MDRE, MPSO, MMAT |
91 | 2 | MEFE2, MEFE1 |