Course detail
Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 2
FAST-CW019Acad. year: 2022/2023
ASPE software for the planning and management of the construction of buildings and transport structures – budgets, calculations, time schedules, network graphs and other steps in the management of a building contract. Investor and supplier controlling, administration of sub-deliveries, continuous evaluation of costs and resources. Lists of jobs done, fact-finding protocols, invoicing. Planning and management of construction in the RSV system in connection with the outputs of calculation software. Importing of budgets and their use in the creation of a technology planning model, sub-contractor budgets, creation of a time schedule via linkage to MS-Project, creation and printing of documentation for construction execution.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
Course curriculum
2. Data available for use by the ASPE system – default and adopted ÚRS price lists.
3. Dials and settings of the ASPE programme, parameters of the construction process, budgets, construction execution and time schedules.
4. Construction execution, budgets and time schedules in the ASPE environment. Creation of budgets and calculated bids, time schedule options, network graphs, critical path calculations.
5. Contract solution variants, creation of supplier variants. Documents for construction execution in the ASPE environment – work – progress, invoicing, charge orders
6. Other ASPE options – construction phases, budget re-evaluation, large-scale changes.
7. Building production management using the RSV programme, general functionality.
8. Procedure for the implementation of the RSV system in a real construction company environment. Input data for contract management.
9. Record-keeping with regard to documentation for orders, bids and construction planning in the RSV system. Importing the budget and technology planning model for a contract, creation of sub-contractor budgets.
10. Connectivity of RSV to Microsoft Project, time scheduling and its linkage to a technology planning model. Outputs and execution of construction: list of jobs done, evaluation of costs and resources in the RSV system.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Haas,Š.: Příprava a řízení stavební výroby. SNTL, Praha, 1990. (CS)
Jarský, Č., Musil, F., Svoboda ,P., Gašparík, J., Motyčka, V., Pospíchal, V. Kovářová, B., Vyčítal, M. Příprava a realizace staveb. Cerm s.r.o. Brno, 2019. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer