Branch Details

Execution of Buildings

Original title in Czech: Realizace stavebFASTAbbreviation: RAcad. year: 2022/2023

Programme: Civil Engineering

Length of Study: 1.5 years

Accredited from: 25.7.2007Accredited until: 31.8.2023


The Construction Technology branch of the trimestral consecutive master’s study programme Civil Engineering follows on from four-year bachelor’s courses of a technical nature. It is intended mainly for graduates from the four-year Civil Engineering bachelor´s study programme. It is focused mainy on the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge and on activities for the optimum management of the preparation and realization of construction work both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Emphasis is placed on the development and knowledge of exact methods for the solution of engineering and technological design tasks, construction technology and relevant economic aspects, as well as on the use of the most modern computer software for the solution of engineering tasks during the preparation and realization of construction works.
During their studies, students acquire knowledge from theoretical and engineering subjects which form the wider base of the branch, and also special knowledge which corresponds to the focus of their studies. They gain knowledge of the latest scientific and technical findings in all their complex mutual interconnectivity and are guided towards the performance of individual creative engineering work. They apply the knowledge acquired in individual subjects in individually assigned construction and technical tasks concerning the issues of the given field of study.
An important part of the course is the extended tuition of foreign languages. A ten-week specialised work placement in the construction industry undergone during the second semester at an important building company is an asset for gaining theoretical and practical knowledge about modern management in construction.It enables rapid verification and application of acquired knowledge in industry and a significant reduction in the period needed for graduates´ to adapt to the world of work when starting employment, and it is also a prerequisite for career progression and the attainment of managerial posts.
After graduation, graduates are able to solve even demanding specialised issues independently and are thus ready for their engineering career in industry.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates from the Construction Technology course of study have gained highly specialised (theoretical and professional) knowledge in the studied field and specialisation. They are capable of applying the acquired knowledge in the solution of problems within the given field of study. This knowledge is mainly from the field of construction technologies and methods of construction, construction technology management, project management in construction, economics and economic tools of management in building production, building law, management of the quality of construction work and environmental protection during construction.
Graduates are capable, within the scope of the skills they have gained, of independently solving even demanding specialised problems (the independent solution of complex engineering, technical and managerial problems in the construction industry), and are thus prepared for their engineering career in industry. They are capable of implementing comprehensive solutions to engineering problems.
As highly-qualified specialists, graduates are able to hold high engineering and managerial posts and successfully perform the functions required of them, and are equipped with the prerequisites for the solution of even complex technical problems, and not only during the comprehensive design of engineering structures but also during the preparation and realization of such structures.
Within the context of professional competence (after gaining the required amount of work experience), graduates from the Construction Technology course of study can obtain certification from the Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians Engaged in Construction.
Graduates are able to manage complex technical or specialised activities or projects and take responsibility for their quality. They are also capable of taking responsibility for the specialised management of individuals and groups.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
CV014Economic Tools for Building Production Managementcs4Compulsoryyes
CU001Informatics (R)cs4Compulsoryyes
CA006Mathematics 5 (R)cs4Compulsoryyes
CL002Prestressed Engineering Constructioncs3Compulsoryyes
CW022Construction Project Planningcs5Compulsoryyes
CW012Quality Management Systemscs4Compulsoryyes
CH011Selected Chapters from Building Physics (R)cs3Compulsoryyes
CW023Selected Chapters of Construction Processescs3Compulsoryyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BY002Intermediate Level English (exam)cs2Compulsoryyes
CW016Environmental and Labour Protection Mangementcs3Compulsoryyes
CW020Professional Practical Trainingcs7Compulsoryyes
CW014Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 1cs3Compulsoryyes
CV015Law in the Area of Civil Engineering Businesscs3Compulsoryyes
CW015Execution and Reconstruction of Reinforced Concrete Structurescs3Compulsoryyes
CW017Specialized project (R)cs3Compulsoryyes
CW013Construction Machines (R)cs3Compulsoryyes
CW058Inspection and Documentation of Construction Processescs3Compulsory-optional5074yes
CJ055Life Cycles of Building Materialscs3Compulsory-optional5074yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
CW021Diploma Seminar (R)cs5Compulsoryyes
CW019Computer Support in Construction Preparation and Realization 2cs5Compulsoryyes
CV016Project Managementcs5Compulsoryyes
CW018Management of Construction Contractscs5Compulsoryyes
CW024Reconstruction Technologiescs4Compulsoryyes
CV084Managerial Skillscs4Compulsory-optional5076yes
CW059Special Technologiescs4Compulsory-optional5076yes
CM056Technology of Road and Street Construction (R)cs4Compulsory-optional5076yes
CZ057Presentation Skillscs2Compulsory-optional5077yes
CZ056Company Practice Psychologycs2Compulsory-optional5077yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
5074 1 CW058, CW057, CJ055
5076 1 CV084, CW059, CM056
5077 1 CZ057, CZ056