Course detail
Signals and Systems
FEKT-BPC-SASAcad. year: 2022/2023
Introduction, motivation, types of signals. Continuous-time signals, Fourier transform, spectrum. Linear continuous-time systems, input-output description. Stability. Discrete time-signals, sampling. Discrete Fourier transform, spectrum. Linear discrete-time systems, input-output description. Stability of the discrete-time systems. Discretization of continuous-time systems.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- compute a freguency spectrum of continuos periodic and non- periodic signal
- demonstrate an input-output description of linear continuos system
- decide about stability of linear continuous system
- compute a freguency spectrum of discrete periodic and non- periodic signal
- demonstrate an input-output description of linear discrete system
- decide about stability of linear discrete system
- convert continuous system on discrete system
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
15 points for individual project
65 points for final exam
Course curriculum
Fourier transform, frequency spectrum.
Linear, continuous-time systems, differential equation, Laplace transform.
Transfer function, zeros and poles, frequency response.
Frequency characteristics of the linear system.
Step response, impulse response.
Stability of the continuous-time systems.
Discrete-time signals, sampling of the continuous-time signal.
Discrete Fourier transform, the spectrum of the discrete time signal.
Discrete-time system, difference equation, Z transform.
Transfer function, zeros and poles, frequency response, frequency characteristics.
Step response, impulse response. Stability of the discrete systems. Discretization of continuous-time systems.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
- recommended prerequisite
Mathematics 2 - recommended prerequisite
Mathematics 1
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BPC-AMT Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
Fourier transform, fequency spectrum. Examples.
Linear, continuous-time systems, differential equation, Laplace transform. Examples.
Transfer function, zeros and poles, frequency response. Examples.
Frequency characteristics of the linear system. Examples.
Step response, impulse response. Examples.
Stability of the continuous-time systems. Examples.
Discrete-time signals, sampling of the continuous-time signal. Examples.
Discete Fourier transform, the spectrum of the discrete-time signal. Examples.
Discrete-time system, difference equation, Z transform. Examples.
Transfer function, zeros and poles, frequency response, fequency characteristics. Examples.
Step response, impulse response, stability of the discrete-time systems. Examples.
Discretization of continuous-time systems. Examples.
Exercise in computer lab
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Continuous-time signals - basic operations and manipulations with signals. Fuctions, strings and .mat files processing.
3. Continuous-time LTI systems - definition, description and properties.
4. Discrete-time signals - DFT (FFT). Loops, conditions and timing.
5. Discrete-time LTI systems - definition, description and properties. The difference equation as an algorithm.
6. Discretization of continuous-time systems. Influence of the sampling period on dynamic properties of systems. Work on project.