Course detail
Electronic Measurement Systems
FEKT-MPC-EMSAcad. year: 2022/2023
The course deals with technical resources for measurement automation. Basic solutions for measurement systems’ design assembled from both specialized instrumentation and universal components is explained. Attention is especially focused on designing a system that meets the specified requirements, selection of suitable components and software implementation issues.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Learning outcomes of the course unit
- terminology of measurement systems,
- basic modular systems for automation of measurement and corresponding standards.
Graduate student can:
- perform theoretical design of the measurement system,
- determine sources of uncertainty in the measurement system,
- create simple measurement system including software implementation (NI LabVIEW),
- determine requirements for the robustness of the system and its operation.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes
- theoretical test - up to 8 points (EEN, EKT, KAM)
- 2 projects (EEN, EKT) or 3 practical tests (KAM) - up to 22 points.
Credit is given for all tests or projects submissions and gain of minimal 10 points from all parts.
Up to 70 points for the final written exam (theoretical part - 30 points, practical problems - 40 points, gain for succesful exam of both parts is 50% of points).
Course curriculum
2. Qualified estimation of uncertainty sources in measurement systems, examples for measurement devices and for sensors of non-electrical quantities.
3. Theoretical foundations of automation of measurement - typical measurement chain, analog circuits in measurement systems, sampling and its properties, aliasing effects and its limitations, multichannel data acquisition.
4. Communication inside measurement systems (RS-232, RS-422/423, EIA-485, USB, GPIB, Ethernet, PCI and PCIe).
5. Basic components for measurement systems consisting of specialized equipment, SCPI language.
6. Software tools for measurement systems and virtual instrumentation, NI USB hardware - specifications and DAQmx drivers.
7. Reliability and EMC.
8. Modular measurement systems - history, PXI and cDAQ.
9. NI cRIO system - characteristics, hardware model and data communication types, digital lines in measurement systems, signal switching - characteristics and construction.
10. Advanced programming and algorithmization in cRIO systems.
11. Metrology and standards for automated systems (CSN EN 60359), aplication od automated measurement systems in testing.
Work placements
Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
DI PAOLO EMILIO, M. Data Acquisition Systems: From Fundamentals to Applied Design. 2013. Springer. ISBN 978-1461442134. (CS)
EHSANI, B. Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW. 2016. Packt Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781782172178. (CS)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Qualified estimation of uncertainty sources in measurement systems, examples for measurement devices and for sensors of non-electrical quantities.
3. Theoretical foundations of automation of measurement - typical measurement chain, analog circuits in measurement systems, sampling and its properties, aliasing effects and its limitations, multichannel data acquisition.
4. Communication inside measurement systems (RS-232, RS-422/423, EIA-485, USB, GPIB, Ethernet, PCI and PCIe).
5. Basic components for measurement systems consisting of specialized equipment, SCPI language.
6. Software tools for measurement systems and virtual instrumentation, NI USB hardware - specifications and DAQmx drivers.
7. Reliability and EMC.
8. Modular measurement systems - history, PXI and cDAQ.
9. NI cRIO system - characteristics, hardware model and data communication types, digital lines in measurement systems, signal switching - characteristics and construction.
10. Advanced programming and algorithmization in cRIO systems.
11. Metrology and standards for automated systems (CSN EN 60359), aplication od automated measurement systems in testing.
Laboratory exercise
Teacher / Lecturer
Block A: design of measurement system, quantification and estimation of uncertainty in measurement system, limits of system (3 weeks).
Theoretical test 1, 2
Block B: SCPI language (2 weeks)
Practical test 1
Block C: design of applications with NI DAQmx drivers (2 weeks)
Block D: work in NI cRIO systems