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Course detail
FCH-BC_PCM2Acad. year: 2024/2025
Content of the subject is approximation of function (both discrete and continuous) using selected function (polynomial, exponential function, etc.) and selected criteria (least squares method, splines, etc.). Examples are selected from seminars of other, chemistry related subjects. Subject further involves integrals of real functions of one and two variables (calculation of area, volume, length of a curve) and solution of differential equations. These are solved using different methods with focus on numerical methods using ode functions in MATLAB. Examples are based on problems solved in subjects physical chemistry and chemical engineering. Lessons utilize mathematical software MATLAB, which is used to solve tasks analytically, numerically and graphically.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
specialization CHPL , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optionalspecialization PCH , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optionalspecialization BT , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization PCH , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optionalspecialization BT , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optionalspecialization CHPL , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization CHTP , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
Teacher / Lecturer
Computer-assisted exercise